
RightITnow ECM: Changelist

RightITnow ECM 6.3.3

18 Jul 2024


  • Fixed issue with entity group selection in dashboards #3185
  • Enhanced Event API to include query params #3187
  • Reduced the timeout for Distributed Workers connectivity #3190
  • Modified the existing Downtime field so that it stops incrementing after an alert is closed #3191

RightITnow ECM 6.3.2

07 Mar 2024


  • Fixed issue with dashboard widgets alignment #3175

RightITnow ECM 6.3.1

30 Nov 2023


  • Periodic Rules enhanced to include a configurable batch size #3172
  • Inclusion of a new Alert field (Downtime) indicating the time duration from when an alert was reset #3173

RightITnow ECM 6.3

9 November 2023

New Features

  • Indicator (label) in the login page to indicate Master/Worker Node in a distributed set up #3125
  • Feature to throttle http requests or limit API usage per user #3136
  • Added pop up comment boxes for configurable action groups #3141
  • New REST API call to upload Logo images #3143
  • Enhanced Event API that can be integrated with any external webhook #3145
  • Added support for Microsoft SQL server 2022 #3170

New & Upgraded Connectors

  • Jira Cloud Connector #2954
  • Prometheus metrics endpoint implementation #3146
  • Support for ServiceNow Utah #3159
  • Support for grafana data sources #3169


  • Enhancements to the new Dashboards #3061
  • Entity Group – allow for bulk delete #3128
  • Fixed audits genererated for Custom Alert Fields despite audit checkbox being unchecked #3144
  • Fixed issue with alert state not persisted before actions triggered via Alert Workflow #3147
  • Fixed display of duplicate rows on selecting dashboards to load #3150
  • Fixed issue with stale state updates #3151
  • Fixed bug in entity queries checking parent-child relationship #3154
  • Fixed minor issues with filters #3156, #3158
  • Fixed Periodic Correlation job to avoid updating alerts that do not satisfy the job condition #3157
  • Fixed Escalation Call Order creation bug #3162
  • Deleting Entity Error fixed #3163

RightITnow ECM 6.2.2

12 July 2023


  • Added support for Jira 9 #3149

RightITnow ECM 6.2.1

20 April 2023


  • Fixed deadlocking issue caused by Update Alert Custom Field action #3134
  • Hour based data export options included #3135
  • Tomcat version updated to Apache Tomcat/8.5.88 #3139
  • Fixed Close Alert Action on the Dashboard Alerts Grid with context sensitive condition enabled #3140

RightITnow ECM 6.2

13 February 2023

New Features

  • New widgets for the monitoring board #2881, #2884, #2889
  • ECM integration with Microsoft Teams #3022, #3033, #3034
  • Inclusion of System Connectors in filters #3098
  • New option in Alert Workflow to Remove Owner when an alert is reset #3103
  • Feature to skip audit generation for custom fields during updates #3116
  • Added more options to data export frequency #3117
  • New REST call to retrieve Entity Groups by filtering on Name and Source Fields #3129

Upgraded Connectors

  • Added support for Solarwinds 2022.4 #801
  • Added support for ServiceNow Tokyo #3093
  • Upgraded Mail Proxy to support MS authentication #3110, #3118
  • Added support for Zabbix 6 #3123


  • Fixed deadlocks during concurrent updates to Alert Custom Fields #3105
  • New Index created on UI Grid Tables #3106
  • Fixed bug when restoring backup with Action Groups in Rules (MSSQL) #3112 #3107
  • Fixed error when deleting entities with single quote in the name #3111
  • Fixed duplicate entries generation during Data Export #3119
  • Fixed snapshot generation error for Service Models #3126
  • Fixed InGrid filter for list fields #3127

RightITnow ECM 6.1.3

9 December 2022


  • Tomcat version updated to Apache Tomcat/8.5.84 #3104
  • Enhanced SNMP Trap Receiver to add the option to ‘clean’ SNMP Variables like the proxy does #3114

RightITnow ECM 6.1.2

14 September 2022


  • Fixed issue with comparison operations related to numerical custom fields #3088
  • Fixed issue pertaining to mail URL generation for user creation when using REST API #3096

RightITnow ECM 6.1.1

24 June 2022


  • Fixed issue with the display of Undeploy button in the Categorization panel #3067
  • Merge Action enhancements to act on incoming value of custom fields (alphanumeric) #3070
  • New Event tokens introduced for Entity Group enrichment #3072
  • Update Custom Fields Action – include rounding off feature for numerical operators #3075
  • Manage Audits for Entity Group and Service Models #3078
  • Entity Groups display enhancements #3080
  • Fixed issue with deletion of Entity Group Types that are linked to deleted Entity Groups #3081
  • Fixed issue with MIB Loading on OpenJDK 11 & SNMPProxy 2.6.7+ #3084
  • Latest Tomcat version (Apache Tomcat/8.5.79) included in 6.1.1 build #3085
  • Fixed backup config errors on MSSQL for UI Grid preferences #3086
  • Updated installation guide section for Azure with missing stored proc details #3087

RightITnow ECM 6.1

20 April 2022

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • The jms.properties file has changed format due to the newly added support for providing a username and password to access ActiveMQ. Users modifying this file manually and/or copying it over via scripts during deploys should use the latest version of the file and re-apply their changes.

New Features

  • New widgets for the monitoring board #2881, #2884, #2889
  • Added support for ActiveMQ Artemis #2959
  • Added support for VMware 7.0 #3017
  • Integration with Datadog (Webhook) #3025
  • Integration with AppDynamics (Webhook) #3026
  • Integration with Dynatrace (Webhook) #3027
  • Integration with PagerDuty (Webhook) #3044


  • ActiveMQ connector changed to support timeout #2745
  • Fixed the User Permission table to have a unique set of permission types #2987
  • REST Call to create Entity Groups without specifying filter has been fixed #3031
  • SNMP Proxy has been fixed to display content post Jython upgrade #3032
  • Upgrade to Log4j 2.17.1 has been completed to address existing vulnerabilities #3043
  • Duplicate entry errors handling for Entity sources fixed for MSSQL #3051
  • Alert processing lock wait timeouts threasholds have been updated #3052
  • Deleting a user who is an owner of a deleted rule has been fixed #3053
  • Fixed issue pertaining to user preferred group filters being displayed in the Alerts Console #3054
  • Fixed issue when updating a user group with entity group associations #3055
  • Purge settings load up has been optimized #3058
  • Upgrade to Spring 5.2.20 has been completed to address Spring4Shell vulnerability #3062
  • Changes made to ECM to retrofit licensing upgrade changes #3065

RightITnow ECM 6.0.4

14 April 2022


  • Changes made to ECM to retrofit licensing upgrade changes #3065

RightITnow ECM 6.0.3

4 March 2022


  • Fixed Spring schema resolution for ECM offline mode #3056

RightITnow ECM 6.0.2

3 December 2021


  • Fixed event purge job to process larger event volumes #3004
  • Fixed VMWare connector to reduce unnecessary entity updates #3038
The above listed fixes were added in the 5.5.14 release following the availability of ECM 6.0

RightITnow ECM 6.0.1

23 September 2021

If upgrading from 5.5.14, please upgrade to ECM 6.0.2

New Features

  • ECM is now packaged in a Docker image for quick deployment on container platforms #2382
  • ECM can now be downloaded as a Virtual Appliance for quick deployment on virtualization and cloud platforms #3024


  • Query optimizations and fixes for SQL Server #3003
  • Fixed an issue when showing alerts from system health #3018
  • Fixed Entity Groups not displayed all the time on the alerts console #3021
  • Fixed an issue with SQL Server when polling users in AD #3028

RightITnow ECM 6.0

28 June 2021

If upgrading from 5.5.14, please upgrade to ECM 6.0.2

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • The db.properties file has changed format due to the newly added support for MariaDB and Microsoft SQL Server. Users modifying this file manually and/or copying it over via scripts during deploys should use the latest version of the file and re-apply their changes.
  • The REST API token has been re-generated for all users due to the implementation of stronger hashing algorithms in ECM. The new token can be copied from the User Preferences pane and updated in any external scripts or applications that use the REST API.
  • Logging statements related to the REST API, including errors and access logs, are now logged in a separate file called ‘restapi.log’. This log can be viewed and configured from the Configuration > ECM Server Monitor tab.
  • The legacy API which was deprecated in ECM 5.0 has been removed. Users still using this API should migrate to the new and expanded REST API which features better security and performance.
  • The following REST API calls have been modified and external scripts or applications might need to be updated:
    • In the following calls, a new activeAlerts parameter has been added which defaults to true. It needs to be set to false and closedAlerts set to true to get closed alerts only.
      • POST /alerts/filter (Fetch alerts matching a custom filter)
      • POST /count/alerts/filter (Count number of alerts matching a custom filter)
      • POST /alerts/filter/{filter} (Fetch alerts matching a saved filter)
      • POST /count/alerts/filter/{filter} (Count number of alerts matching a saved filter)
    • PUT /entitygroups/{entitygroup}: Method has been changed from PUT to PATCH

New Features

  • Support for Microsoft Build of OpenJDK & Amazon Corretto added #810
  • Support for MS SQLServer 2016/2017/2019 added #1752
  • Support for MySQL 8 & MariaDB Server 10.4 added #2671
  • New REST API to update Incident status in ECM has been added for use from external webhooks #2716
  • New Dashboard to give a quick overview of alerts and related statistics #2783
  • New feature to collect metrics from external sources to provide a comprehensive view of the system performance #2785


Upgraded Connectors

  • Connector proxies updated with latest version of Jython #2712
  • Integration with New Relic implemented #2857
  • Support for SCOM 2019 added #2858
  • Support for ServiceNow versions New York, Orlando and Paris added #2862
  • SolarWinds Orion version checked for Sunburst vulnerability #2908
  • Option to store External ID as Entity Alias in ServiceNow CMDB connector #2940



  • Dashboard performance optimised #2839
  • Fix selection issues in Users tab #2911
  • Fixed Entity Fields filtering #2914
  • Alert console load times reduced #2916
  • Fixed issue when displaying Maintenance Windows for Entity depending on correlation rule settings #2919
  • Audit log load times optimised #2920
  • Fixed issue in persisting tags #2923
  • Fixed issue while persisting connector properties #2924
  • Fixed Maintenance Manager issue when displaying recurring maintenances as expired #2933
  • Fixed Entity Console filtering issues #2942
  • System Alert now generated when the Purge jobs fail #2948
  • Fixed UI display Issue in SLA Manager #2951
  • Fixed handling of backslashes in alert filter #2952
  • Fixed issue when blacklisting entities in distributed set up #2956
  • Fixed Alerts Console in grid filter for Assigned Group field #2958
  • Fix Unsaved Changes bug when moving out of the Alert Context Menu screen #2968
  • Fixed issue during Entity Deletion #2972
  • Fixed bug with refreshing tickets grid when search criteria is specified #2974
  • Fixed gap between grid and detail panel in User Management screen #2975
  • Fixed issue with the Create/Modify/Delete Entity Group REST API calls #2976
  • Fixed log out error thrown from updating display profile for user #2977
  • Entities in Maintenance calls optimised #2983
  • Fixed issue when renaming dashboard displet #2993
  • Change made for bulk Audit creation for Ownership change and Tagging #2996
  • Fixed bug in Close Maintenance Correlation Rules #3007

RightITnow ECM 5.5.15

14 April 2022


  • Changes made to ECM to retrofit licensing upgrade changes #3065

RightITnow ECM 5.5.14

18 November 2021


  • Fixed event purge job to process larger event volumes #3004
  • Fixed VMWare connector to reduce unnecessary entity updates #3038

RightITnow ECM 5.5.13

13 July 2021


  • Fixed audit generation when an entity is discovered from a new source #3009
  • Optimized query for latest event retrieval #3019

RightITnow ECM 5.5.12

28 May 2021


  • Fixed Date fields filtering in the Alerts Console #2905
  • Optimised Closed Alerts load up time #2990
  • Fixed issue with closed alert filter persistence #2991
  • Changed license validation service to use TLSv1.2 #2992

RightITnow ECM 5.5.11

26 April 2021


  • A new option to configure an action to run only on a single alert #2957
  • A new user preference option to select only a single alert on right-click #2962


  • REST API permission change for Filter API calls #2964
  • Fixed a bug pertaining to the group selection when saving a filter #2965

RightITnow ECM 5.5.10

12 March 2021


  • Fixed thread leak in SNMP Enrichment #2687
  • Alert groups are now included in configuration backup #2935
  • Fixed issues with entity group types and entity group membership in configuration backup #2936

RightITnow ECM 5.5.9

11 February 2021


  • Fixed bug in executing Insert Incident and similar actions from correlations #2926

RightITnow ECM 5.5.8

03 February 2021


  • Fixed bug in grouping alerts #2922

RightITnow ECM 5.5.7

14 December 2020

New Features

  • Purge Entities feature implemented #2901
  • New option to exclude incoming alert in related alerts filter for UEA rules #2904


  • Fixed unnecessary Audit Record creation during updates on Alerts #2892
  • Splunk document has been updated with links to executable python scripts #2894
  • Entity look up during alert processing has been optimised #2898
  • Alert look up calls during event processing have been optimised #2899
  • Alert caching implemented for faster correlations processing #2900
  • Fixed deadlocks on entity link insertion and deletion during VMWare polls #2907

RightITnow ECM 5.5.6

08 October 2020


  • Fixed ServiceNow Connector to poll for all active users #2874
  • Fixed duplicate name exception arising from ActiveMQ connector #2886

RightITnow ECM 5.5.5

25 September 2020


  • Implemented Close Incident action for ServiceNow #2868
  • Fixed a timezone issue when polling alerts in SolarWinds #2869
  • Fixed dependency issue with ‘Assigned To’ and ‘Assignment Group’ ServiceNow fields #2872

RightITnow ECM 5.5.4

31 August 2020


  • Enforced UTF8 encoding on connector properties #2867

RightITnow ECM 5.5.3

28 August 2020


  • Fixed issue with SolarWinds connector using incorrect API when polling #2855
  • Improved error handling in the ServiceNow Connector #2865

RightITnow ECM 5.5.2

18 August 2020


  • Changes made to ServiceNow CMDB connector to enable proxy settings as well as additional logging for ServiceNow Incident Connector #2856

RightITnow ECM 5.5.1

12 August 2020

New Features

  • Event Preprocessor to pre-process events via scripts before Categorization #2840
  • Added an option to Upon Event Arrival rules to skip processing if incoming event is within a certain time window of the latest event #2853
  • Added an option to include acknowledged alerts from SolarWinds #2854


  • Fixed an issue with ServiceNow configuration getting reset #2842
  • Fixed an issue where re-deploying an incident connector does not update the Incident Status list #2845
  • Updated Slack integration to use new APIs #2851

RightITnow ECM 5.5

21 May 2020

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • The db.properties file has changed format due to the newly added support for distributed ECM workers. Users modifying this file manually and/or copying it over via scripts during deploys should use the latest version of the file and re-apply their changes.
  • The conf/web.xml file has a new entry for 404 error redirection. Users modifying this file manually and/or copying it over via scripts during deploys should use the latest version of the file and re-apply their changes.
  • The mail proxy python script has been updated to accept additional parameters for attachments. Existing users upgrading to the latest version of the proxy should use the new file and move their changes into it.

New Features

  • Search facility added for entities by name or alias in pop ups #2555
  • Error handling improvements in REST API #2588
  • Added Polling Status updates for all connectors #2699
  • Added Connector Source Type field on the Entity Grid #2703
  • New Panel for Maintenance Window Management #2717, #2835, #2775, #2776, #2777
  • Increased custom alert and entity fields limit to 32 each #2737
  • New maintenance field on the Entity Groups Grid #2751
  • Showing/Hiding Entity Groups in the Entity Console now supported #2752
  • Inline filtering support added on Entity Group grid #2753
  • Entity Group Tree can now be expanded/collapsed #2754
  • Added support for Inline Filtering on the Entity Grid #2755
  • New REST API calls to manage Alert Filters #2757
  • New Action for adding alias to an entity #2778
  • New REST API Call for Entity Group creation #2779
  • New Distributed worker mode for ECM installations #2782, #2808,#2813
  • Severity Indicator is now a User Preference setting #2809


Upgraded Connectors

  • ServiceNow Incident Connector now supports REST Implementation #2524
  • Support added for Jira8 #2714
  • Infovista connector has been enhanced to accept user defined header and message formats for Syslog messages #2721
  • SNMP Trap Receiver has been enhanced to validate MIBs #2722, #2819
  • Support added for Zabbix 4 #2772
  • Added text field to SN CMDB connector so that user can specify a custom query to filter the polled CIs #2788
  • ServiceNow CMDB connector has been fixed to polls all custom fields #2789
  • ME Service Desk enhanced to automatically handle SSL certificates #2805
  • Added support for email attachments to the Mail Proxy #2817
  • Syslog connector has been fixed to handle undeploy gracefully #2821
  • ServiceNow Incident Connector has been fixed to handle daylight savings in the timezone #2822
  • Azure Connector enhanced to automatically handle SSL certificates #2827
  • Fixed duplicate entry exception thrown for last sync date in SN CMDB connector #2828


  • Entities can now only be dragged into Entity Groups that are not imported from an external source #2499
  • Fixed Entity Graphs from showing entities with no alerts matching filter #2566
  • Added support for Alert sorting in REST API #2678
  • Fixed Alert Custom Field grid display when changing to List type #2747
  • Fixed maintenance filtering on the Entity Grid #2750
  • Fixed purge job for Maintenance Windows #2781
  • Optimised audit entries retrieval for reports #2810
  • Fixed actions using event tokens to work when placed in a group #2811
  • Fixed Custom Alert field default option display #2812
  • Fixed issue with Edit Icon appearing for Read-Only fields in the pop up Window for Create Incident action #2832

RightITnow ECM 5.1.7

14 April 2022


  • Changes made to ECM to retrofit licensing upgrade changes #3065

RightITnow ECM 5.1.6

13 August 2020


  • Upgraded Tomcat to 8.5.57 to address latest vulnerabilities #2860

RightITnow ECM 5.1.5

18 May 2020


  • Enhanced Jira Polling query to batch handle large requests #2837

RightITnow ECM 5.1.4

9 April 2020


  • Fixed issue with filters when using the Connector Type field #2823
  • Fixed polling in Azure connector where new alerts were not being retrieved due to a timezone issue, and updated the documentation #2824
  • Removed Tomcat example files from build and added redirection for 404 errors #2825
  • Fixed issue with JIRA connector’s closed status not reflecting the user chosen status #2826

RightITnow ECM 5.1.3

6 February 2020


  • Fixed thread leak issue when executing external actions #2806

RightITnow ECM 5.1.2

30 January 2020


  • Fixed NPE issue when editing list fields imported from ServiceNow #2798
  • Changes made to display imported list fields from ServiceNow in the format – Label(element) #2800
  • Fixed UI issue with freezing fields in the Alerts Console Grid #2804

RightITnow ECM 5.1.1

30 September 2019


  • Changes made to display the user’s current dashboard in the user details screen #2746
  • Added new display options for high contrast settings #2756
  • Fixed invalid filter creation for related alert filters referencing tags in correlation rules #2761
  • Fixed custom field value rendering in actions when the field type is set to extract from a certain field #2764
  • Increased the column size for the group email field #2766
  • Changes made to always display the group view selector in the Alerts Console #2767

RightITnow ECM 5.1

15 Jul 2019

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • ECM now supports Java 11, recommended versions are Oracle JDK 11.0.3 LTS or OpenJDK 11.
  • The db.properties file has changed format due to the newly added support for encrypted MySQL connections and the default Java garbage collection method has been changed to G1 in catalina.sh/catalina.bat. Users modifying these files manually and/or copying them over via scripts during deploys should use the latest version of the files and re-apply their changes.
  • The mail proxy python script has been updated to accept additional parameters. Existing users upgrading to the latest version of the proxy should use the existing file and move their changes into it.

New Features

  • A new modern, enhanced and customisable ECM Interface embedded with easy-to-follow YouTube tutorial links #2677,#2306,#2702,#2704,#2708,#2728,#2742,#2646
  • Feature to export user defined alert filters, including the filters defined at the group level #2146, #2260, #2698
  • Exporting an alert’s audit log to CSV file is now possible #2511
  • Correlation rules are now configurable to enable or disable them for alerts in maintenance #2584, #2743
  • Entity fields such as Entity ID and Entity count (Active Alerts) have been added to the alert filter #2593
  • SNMP Trap Formatter has been enhanced for easier MIB reads and custom trap format creations. Also supports rule based formatting for SNMP Traps #2631,#2683,#2684,#2740,#2732
  • ECM now supports Java 11 #2664
  • User specific field like Organisation can now be used in all incident relation actions #2724
  • Making changes to the Observer role’s default permission set to create a Read-Only user role which is entirely customisable #2726
  • Default dashboards can now be defined at the User Group level #2730
  • User and timestamp fields are displayed for closed alerts #2636


New Connectors

  • New ServiceNow CMDB connector that can be set up to generate the topology, extract events and manage maintenance windows for CIs in ServiceNow – from within ECM #2402,#2650,#2692,#2719,#2715
  • Smooth integration with check_mk now made possible #2591
  • View ECM data in Grafana dashboards #2628
  • New connector for Naemon #2676
  • Integration with Groundworks is now available #2685
  • New connector for Google Cloud Platform #2665
  • New connector for Azure Monitor #2647


Upgraded Connectors

  • ElasticSearch connector works with Open Distro for ElasticSearch #2689
  • SalesForce connector has been upgraded to support latest SOAP API Version (Version 46) #2735
  • ElasticSearch connector works well with version 7.0.0 #2701
  • Support for Zenoss 6 is provided #2617
  • Support for ME AM (13.8) and ME ServiceDesk Plus 9 #2632
  • ECM proxy connectors (Syslog, SNMP, Mail) have been upgraded to support the ECM REST API in addition to the SOAP API #2578
  • Mail proxy has been updated to use new fields such as Date Received and From fields of the email #2709


  • Entities can now only be dragged into Entity Groups that are not imported from an external source #2499
  • REST API has been fixed so as to ensure the required permissions of the user are checked #2589
  • Maintenance Window Creation for Unknown entity has been disabled #2615
  • Entity_variable table updates when polling from Zenoss has been fixed #2619
  • Date issues on charts with regard to DST have been fixed #2640
  • Fixed issue regarding removal of duplicate parameters on update incidents grid #2648
  • Alerts displet refresh issues post user action has been fixed #2672
  • Performance improvements fetching alerts #2680
  • Fixed text in Starter Kit from “Download SNMP proxy” should be “Download Syslog proxy” for Syslog Proxy #2694
  • Changes made to alert the user when an action group is saved with an action that cannot be executed from correlation rules #2697
  • Timeout fix has been added to Zenoss connectors #2700
  • Alert Custom Field configuration has been fixed to reflect one record per tenant #2706
  • Fixed issue with entity group persistence during SCOM polling that was causing a problem when persisting alerts #2707
  • Fixed errors when updating custom actions #2711
  • Fixed dashboard issue that caused renaming of the title to remove the displet #2725
  • User Group Deletion message has been made more accurate to list out all the dependencies #2731
  • New user creation issue when the user groups were included has been fixed #2734

RightITnow ECM 5.0.5

21 Jun 2019


  • Evaluation of correlation rules involving event tokens was fixed. The order of the rules mattered in this case – the issue was seen to affect the second and subsequent rules in UEA, Timed Condition and Close Maintenance Rules. #2729

RightITnow ECM 5.0.4

02 May 2019


  • Fixed issue with namespaces and adding support for SNS and SQS entities in AWS CloudWatch connector #2670
  • Fixed issues with Apache CXF libraries and OpenJDK #2705

RightITnow ECM 5.0.3

02 April 2019


  • Fixed display issue of Alerts received from ManageEngine #2466
  • Fixed thread leak in SNMP Enrichment #2687
  • Fixed REST API Maintenance Window Retrieval call by ID #2688
  • Fixed Correlations to reflect changes in incoming alerts accurately #2690
  • Fixed Alert workflow post acknowledge action flow #2695
  • Fixed Alert workflow configurations with action group invocations #2696

RightITnow ECM 5.0.2

25 February 2019


  • Enhanced support for SNMP Trap message formatting #2621, #2622, #2634, #2649
  • Fixed issue with AWS CloudWatch events coming in with Unknown entity #2670

RightITnow ECM 5.0.1

21 December 2018

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • The db.properties file has changed format due to the newly added support for encrypted MySQL connections. Users modifying this file manually and/or copying it over via scripts during deploys should use the latest version of this file and re-apply their changes.


  • Added support for relative date values in the Reports configuration form #2429
  • Fixed show alert details in ManageEngine #2466
  • Performance fixes on correlations tab #2556, #2597
  • Added auditing for user login & logouts #2620
  • Added support for encrypted MySQL connections #2630
  • Various fixes & improvements in ManageEngine ServiceDesk connector #2633, #2642, #2643, #2644
  • Fixed issue with lazy loading of tenant when loading alert workflow #2637

RightITnow ECM 5.0

12 September 2018

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • ECM requires Java 8 from this version onwards. Java 7 and lower is not supported anymore.
  • The Tomcat version that ECM ships in has been upgraded to 8.5.x from 7.0.x. Users who have modified files in their installation, such as server.xml (custom ports and SSL settings) and catalina.sh/catalina.bat (memory settings and garbage collection logging), should transpose these changes to the new files shipped in Tomcat 8.5.x instead of swapping them directly with the files from 7.0.x.
  • A new REST API has been introduced and all users are encouraged to update their clients to use it. The previous REST API is still functional but is deprecated and will be removed in the next release of ECM.


  • New action to delete an entity #2025
  • MySQL Cluster support for ECM repository #2042,#2458,#2459,#2475
  • JIRA REST connector supports SSL certificate during deploy #2378
  • Add filters on Incident Status actions on Alert Workflow #2385
  • Add Event injection ability via REST API #2388
  • Enhanced REST API #2398,#2412,#2431,#2507,#2508,#2531,#2537,#2567,#2571,#2572,#2573,#2574,#2575,#2580
  • New Alert workflow to trigger an action based on an Alert Comment update #2463
  • Expose the Syslog Expected Message format as a regex parameter #2467
  • Added Splunk WebHook support for ECM Alerts #2468
  • Link to ECM Alerts Console using filter name #2473
  • Make the title of Dashboard portlets editable #2478
  • Enhanced alert workflow tab #2479
  • Ability to raise a system alert when license validation fails #2483
  • Elastic Search integration #2485,#2474
  • Service Model capabilities #2489,#2490,#2491,#2497,#2509,#2518,#2519,#2521,#2554,#2559
  • Data export feature #2492
  • Two-way integration with Slack #2525
  • Machine Learning feature #2541
  • New System Health Monitor log #2543
  • Added option for using default mail client when sending emails #2546
  • Rename the SOAP connector to API #2547
  • Allow editing of some email fields when executed on multiple alerts #2549
  • Amazon Aurora support #2565
  • Enhanced error reporting for Incident connectors #2568
  • PHP script for Jira Webhook to add comments into ECM #2583
  • Status filtering on Correlation grid #2599
  • New ID column in the Entities and Users Grid #2542

Fixes :

  • Fixed issue with exporting SLA Rule #2453
  • Fixed the report fields placement in expanded screen #2512
  • Fixed issue with bulk Maintenance Window creating #2515
  • Fixed pagination message display #2516
  • Fixed duplicate Alert Grid layouts in the selection window #2517
  • Refactored service layer calls for alert updates #2526
  • Fixed issue with reports having a blank in the name during GUI downloads #2532
  • Fixed LazyInitializationException when loading workflow #2533
  • Made Alert filter hql and jexl versions consistent #2534
  • Fixed connector SSL errors on backup restore #2538
  • Fixed Portlets from masking the screen #2557
  • Fixed Events grid columns autosizing #2558
  • Fixed Dashboard displet out-of-bounds issue #2560
  • Fixed Select Entity Group window record selection #2562
  • Fixed Events export #2564
  • Fixed duplicate entries in Action type filter dropdown #2598
  • Fixed entity enrichment selection and the enrichment condition #2600
  • Fixed issues on alerts console page refresh #2601
  • Fixed audit record creation for Incident Raised #2603
  • Fixed inclusion/exclusion of Send Mail action in action groups #2613

RightITnow ECM 4.6.9

19 April 2022


  • Changes made to ECM to retrofit licensing upgrade changes #3065

RightITnow ECM 4.6.8

10 May 2018


  • Fixed issues related to search in the Assign User popup #2536
  • URLs are now clickable in the alert’s audit details window #2545

RightITnow ECM 4.6.7

01 May 2018


  • Fixed warning in JIRA logs by changing header X-Atlassian-Token to “no-check” for File Attachment requests #2551

RightITnow ECM 4.6.6

19 February 2018


  • Fixing duplicate permissions in database #2528
  • Fixed DST issues in the timestamps in Alert Reports and Export CSV #2530

RightITnow ECM 4.6.5

19 January 2018


  • Fixed filtering issues with the Incident Status field #2480
  • Fixed issue with concurrent updates to Alerts via REST calls during event processing #2494
  • Increased file size for backup restore operations #2502
  • Included option to skip processing of custom fields on out-of-order events #2504
  • Fixed issue with logo display #2505
  • Fixed issue with mail proxy shutdown on connection failures #2506
  • Optimised SalesForce connector polling by performing batched updates #2513
  • Fixed issue with screen loading for executed actions  #2514

RightITnow ECM 4.6.4

06 December 2017


  • Fixed graphical issues in the Entity Graph #2481
  • Fixed issue with text selection in grids in IE11 #2496
  • Fixed timezone and date display format issues when exporting alerts and events #2498

RightITnow ECM 4.6.3

08 November 2017


  • Fixed issue with scheduled report timezones not saved in configuration backup #2484
  • Increased default internal ActiveMQ memory to 512MB and allowing memory limit to be changed #2486

RightITnow ECM 4.6.2

13 October 2017


  • Fixed issue with delimeters in JIRA multi-value incident fields #2469
  • Improvements to caching to prevent issues when moving between ECM versions #2470
  • Added timezone option in scheduled reports and fixed several issues #2471
  • Fixed an issue when filtering with Incident Status #2472

RightITnow ECM 4.6.1

23 August 2017


  • Included Audits for Purge Configuration changes #2163
  • Changes made to reactivate a deleted user from LDAP #2447
  • Fixed Alert Console responsiveness during direct access #2449
  • Enforced the Type_Index on all Audit queries to speed up execution time #2450
  • Fixed Alerts workflow drop down display #2451
  • Fixed SLA grid action display #2452
  • Fixed SLA Rules import Issue #2453
  • Fixed message alerting during unsaved changes in Correlations panel #2454
  • Fixed issue with new LDAP user creation #2460
  • Fixed issue with resetting purge configuration #2461
  • Rectified Audit Messages when comparing old and new values #2462
  • Fixed inline filtering on custom fields #2465

RightITnow ECM 4.6

23 June 2017

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • Support has been added for MySQL 5.7 but the server needs to have the following SQL modes disabled: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, NO_ZERO_DATE (see Installation Document for more details).
  • Changes were made to the time period in Report configurations: As of ECM version 4.6, the time associated with the end date (“To” field) is end-of-day (23:59:59) where previously it was start-of-day (00:00:00). Consequently Update146 alters all saved report configurations, changing the end date of the time period by deducting one day.
  • Some alerts console menu context sensitivity settings might stop working after the upgrade. To fix this, review the current settings and re-save any that are not working.


  • Added support for Zabbix 3 and created a new native Zabbix connector #974
  • New Entity Graph option to include alert counts of sub-groups in a parent group’s alert count #2105
  • Introduced spacing & paging options for the Entity Graph #2181
  • New option in Entity Graph displets to link the graph to an Alerts displet #2185
  • Added ability to minimize blocks in Entity Graphs #2187
  • JIRA enhancements to populate ticket summary field for all tickets and add dependency relationship between projects and components #2211
  • Added User Group dimension to System Health, Alert Priority and Alert Distribution displets on the Dashboard #2214
  • Feature purge expired maintenance windows #2215
  • New option for automatic cleanup of old backup configuration files #2216
  • New “Reverse Timed Condition” Correlation #2217
  • Added force stop poll for SalesForce connector #2224
  • Added ability to share filters as read-only #2227
  • Enhancement feature to set timezones on Entity Maintenance Windows #2229
  • Allowing comparison between two custom fields in Correlation rules’ filters #2238
  • Enhancement to allow updating a Date custom field from another field #2239
  • Support for configuring individual display settings per column in the Alerts Grid #2240
  • Showing lead alert marker (for rolled up alerts) in Alerts displets #2241
  • Incident numbers in the Alerts Console can be clicked to open ticket URL or update incident ID on the alert #2243
  • New “Hide by default” option for Custom Alert Fields #2245
  • Feature to raise a system event when Zenoss poll fails #2254
  • Adjustments made to the Business Hours Timezone settings for users and user groups #2261
  • Additional fields made available for composing Context Sensitive Configuration for Alert Console Menu items #2263
  • “Status” column in the Correlation rules grid now shows whether a (un)deployed rule has a deploy schedule configured #2264
  • Added ability to set Log display timezone for a User Group #2268
  • Feature to update the state on a JIRA ticket from the Incident State in ECM #2274
  • Added ability to count from any date custom field in SLA rules #2281
  • Enhancements and optimizations to discover entity groups in the SCOM Connector #2283
  • Added a new User Permission for assigning alerts to users in other User Groups #2286
  • Enhancements on the SNMP enricher #2288
  • Added a new User Permission for access to the Alert Context Menu #2292
  • Feature to automatically apply current alert filter when opening the Closed Alerts Console #2294
  • Upgraded to SmartGWT 6 #2303
  • Added MobileIron Support for ECM iPhone app #2342
  • Verified Support for MySQL 5.7 #2349
  • Enhancement to allow a filter to be applied on Alert and Tickets Purging #2354
  • Added filter on Incident polling #2355
  • Allowing arithmetic operations on Numeric custom fields in Update Alert Custom Field Actions #2371
  • Verified support for JIRA 7 #2374
  • Added Support for Custom Date Fields in JIRA #2377
  • Adjustments to support SolarWinds NPM12 #2383
  • Added external script support for Update Entity Custom Field action #2396
  • Added a User Permission to allow Users with the Administrator role to view all User Groups by default #2407
  • Added force stop poll for JIRA connector #2410
  • Removed the Group Filter and JSON filter columns on the User Groups grid #2411
  • Added option to configure Report columns #2418
  • Enhancement to allow editing of parameters in the Create Maintenance Window Action when executed from within an Action Group #2422


  • Fixed exception thrown on user session timeout #2228
  • Set Default Description action now works on the first event #2265
  • All date-type fields in the Alerts Grid and in generated Reports now use the user’s custom Date Time Format if defined #2267
  • Added path validation before saving Reports and Report Configurations #2290
  • Fixed concurrent modification exception occurring when modifying a rule during SLA job run #2291
  • Fixed bug related to renaming of User Roles #2300
  • LDAP search criteria applied when User setting “Create On the Fly” option is enabled #2337
  • LDAP connector performing alternate search with username when the User setting “Create On the Fly” is enabled and user record cannot be found by DN #2351
  • Fix to Periodic Correlation scheduling and new “Delay” field for rules scheduled to execute “Every X minutes” #2356
  • Fixed exception occurring with Purge Conflicts #2359
  • Context Sensitive Conditions are now saved in the Backup Configuration #2363
  • Fixed issue on JIRA Connector with setting values on Multi Select Feed #2376
  • Upgrade internal ActiveMQ to latest version #2381
  • Fixed Report Start/End times #2389
  • Fixed various UI issues in the Escalation Call Order screen #2414
  • Fixed various issues with “Time to Assign/Acknowledge/Close Alerts” Reports #2417
  • Resolved exception being thrown when creating a maintenance window #2421
  • Reports moved to a separate tab #2423
  • Fixed parsing of dates with milliseconds for Incident connectors #2432
  • Fixed exception thrown when invoking Increase/Decrease Severity #2433
  • Fixed exceptions on VMware connector polling & session authentication #2434

RightITnow ECM 4.5.6

08 June 2017


  • Fixed filtering issue on Manage Connectors grid #2435
  • Fixed issue with incidents being updated with the wrong alert data #2438
  • Fixed cancel button not working on Log Configuration popup #2439
  • Fixed SNS connector not parsing templates correctly #2441
  • Fixed issue with JIRA connector leaking threads #2442
  • Updated endpoint list in AWS CloudWatch connector #2443
  • Fixed Update Incident action to include only action defined fields #2444

RightITnow ECM 4.5.5

16 February 2017


  • Added entity fields filtering on the alerts console #2296
  • Fixed issue with the Evaluate Tag Rules action evaluating rules incorrectly #2397
  • Added regex support in entity enrichment filter #2399
  • Optimized JIRA connector to reduce number of calls made to API #2400

RightITnow ECM 4.5.4

28 February 2017


  • Fixed issue with the entities grid in IE11 #2335
  • Fixed issue with the logging configuration window #2348
  • Added timeout parameters and additional logging to JIRA connector #2386
  • Fixed issue with the selected connectors list in rules and actions #2391
  • Fixed the create incidents menu item not showing under certain scenarios #2394

RightITnow ECM 4.5.3

5 December 2016


  • Fixed issue with report generation issuing extra queries #2368
  • Fixed JIRA connector to respect user entered date and time formats #2370
  • Enhanced Support for Jira 6 #2372
  • Added additional logging for LDAP polling #2373

RightITnow ECM 4.5.2

9 November 2016


  • Various updates and fixes to the SCOM 2012 connector #2361
  • LDAP connector now checks for SAMAccount attribute when doing username checks #2365
  • Added new feature to skip rule processing if event is out of order #2366

RightITnow ECM 4.5.1

5 October 2016


  • ECM integration with VMware 6.0 #2326
  • ActiveMQ support for HTTP POST calls included #2338
  • Fixed issue with Maintenance Window REST API calls #2339, #2340
  • Fixed issue with Entity Group Enrichment #2343
  • Fixed issue with categorisation rule filter matching with incoming event’s tokens #2344
  • Included AlertID as part of the REST API call for Event retrieval #2347
  • Enhancements to SNMPProxy to skip trap variable cleanups #2350

RightITnow ECM 4.5

18 August 2016

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • The verbose (-v) flag in proxies has been removed in favour of a configurable log4j XML file. To retain verbose logging change the logging level to TRACE (see documentation).
  • Users can no longer pick connector-specific event tokens for the existing alerts filter in correlations rules as these were not working. They will need to create a custom alert field for the tokens they want to use and update these filters manually. When upgrading to 4.5 users will be shown a warning in the logs indicating which rules need to be updated in this way and it will also undeploy these rules. The warning will appear as “Correlation rule references the connector variables in the rule filter and has been UNDEPLOYED.” This rule must be updated manually using a custom alert field to replace these event tokens.
  • Also note that connector specific tokens used in actions will only be evaluated for actions executed on an alert upon event arrival (not UI-triggered actions, periodic correlations, etc. which act on existing alerts). A UI note has been added to this effect where applicable, i.e.: Actions configurations, the Alerts Publisher connector filter to restrict automatic alert publishing, and the Closing Alerts filter in the Alert Workflow configuration.


  • Allowing double curly brackets to be used in Send Email template as a means to escape the brackets and allow CSS styles to be entered in the template. #788
  • Extended ActiveMQ connector to allow JSON events #1063
  • Added session REST API call for SSO login #1205
  • Event token handling is case-preserving and case-insensitive #1277
  • Added displet resizing on Dashboard #1642
  • Removed Alert grid fields refresh when tab is switched for better performance #1703
  • Added sound notification on the Alerts Console #1719
  • Added ability to edit, add and delete entity aliases #1751
  • Supporting an External ID per entity connector #1756
  • Introduced the Entity Graph displet to the dashboard #1955, #2006, #2183, #2188, #2198, #2199, #2313, #2321
  • Adding buttons to Entity Console: “Add to Parent”, “Remove from Parent” and “Merge Entities” #1962
  • Updating Zendesk connector to support REST API and support new security API #1967
  • Added support to SalesForce connector to import tickets based on ranges #1986
  • Ordering nodes in the Entity Graph by criticality factor #2004
  • Added alerts filter to the Entity Graph displet settings #2005
  • Allowed deletion of entity groups from the Entity Graph #2010
  • Added delete and zoom buttons on the entity group nodes in the Entity Graph #2011
  • Added health check page to monitor availability of ECM and its main services for Load Balancing or HA purposes #2040
  • Adding support for external JMS queues to be used by ECM event and alert processing #2041
  • Changes to ManageEngine connector to include certificates from the UI and use TLS #2054
  • Changed logging level to INFO for Syslog & SNMP proxies #2067
  • Not showing Open alerts in portlets when viewing Assigned alerts #2109
  • Existing Filter dropdown has same display format as the main filter dropdown #2151
  • Reviewed the default endpoints provided by AWS #2157
  • Added Production State filter for Zenoss entity polling #2171
  • Added Support for Zenoss 5.0 #2172
  • Persisting the expanded blocks and page numbers on the Entity Graph #2182
  • Changed legend for the Entity Graph #2184
  • Applied user’s entity group permissions to the Entity Graph #2186
  • Added Audit configuration #2192
  • Allowing events to be viewed from Alerts displet #2205
  • Added “Minutes/Hours since ” filter #2207
  • “Update Incident ID” window enhancements: filtering and new tab for searching & importing JIRA tickets #2210, #2320
  • Send Email action enhancements: Supporting use of alert fields in Recipients template & use of custom alert fields in templates. #2212
  • Allowing maximize for displets in linked dashboards #2213
  • Updating “Last Comment” field when an alert is closed by a rule #2225
  • Disallowing connector-specific event tokens to be selected for existing alerts’ filters in correlations #2232
  • Added a “View Latest Event” Alerts Console Menu item #2235
  • Added “From” field support in Send Email actions to override the mail connector’s default address #2242
  • Exposed entity hierarchy calls in REST API #2255
  • Added option to edit a configured Send Email action before sending when triggered from the UI (for a single alert) #2256
  • Added user & user group selection popup to all Send Email actions for Sender and Recipients fields #2273
  • Entity maintenance checks take into account the maintenance state of parent entities #2278
  • Added option to check entity hierarchy for “Upon Event Arrival” Correlation rules #2279
  • Added option to discard an incoming event after deduplication in Categorization rules #2280
  • Show the Comments column on the Alerts displet #2282
  • Added topic support to ActiveMQ connector #2284
  • Getting IP data for Solarwinds entities #2293
  • Pressing the Enter key applies the filter on the Alerts/Entity Console #2295
  • URLs can be clicked in the Events grid and Event Details window #2312



  • Show “Loading…” message when clicking alerts from Dashboard and Entity link #1282
  • Fixed REST API call exposing data in clear text on logs #1757
  • Any user who has the necessary SLA permissions is now able to edit the SLA settings #1770
  • Customize the Create Incident edit action to work on Alert Groups #1799
  • Fixed transaction handling for Upgrade script sequences #1895
  • Fixed selection issues on the Entity Group tree grid #1960
  • The SNMP Proxy no longer needs to be restarted every time new MIBs ar added to the folder #2022
  • Fixed categorization rule exceptions occurring when a token in the discriminator has option “ignore case” #2056
  • Fixed unsaved grid layouts being saved with duplicate names #2071
  • Fixed Audit Log screen filter for viewing entries from “Today” #2093
  • Resolved UI issues on Alerts Context Menu Configuration screen #2099
  • Resolved exception occurring when filtering categorization rules on sequence #2115
  • Applying re-tries for Alert Persistence when Lock Wait Time out issues occur #2116
  • Fixed Owner Group field filtering in SLA #2135
  • Fixed circular loop when deleting all entities with circular entity hierarchy #2149
  • Added Authentication error message for Zenoss on “Vadidate Connection” button #2153
  • Changes to the Create/Open Incident action inclusion logic in Alert Context Menu #2154
  • Layout adjustments to the System Health settings panel #2175
  • Removed dependency check on Observer (user role) #2178
  • Added sorting on list of candidate parent Entities when adding an entity to parent #2191
  • Resolved exception occurring when using a “matches regex” filter on the Entity Console #2194
  • Resolved issues with Alert Console freezing when grouping applied #2196
  • Fixes to Create/Open Incident UI action on the menu console #2203
  • Fixed paging toolstrip on the Entities grid #2209
  • Resolved issue with displaying User Group’s inherited permissions #2218
  • Added prompt when closing a displet in the Dashboard #2221
  • Fixed Alerts Console inline filter for the Connector field #2226
  • Fixed field search window popup for adding fields to a template #2230
  • Fixed failing SWQL query to get group status #2233
  • Revised polling time windows for connectors to ensure no events/updates are lost when an individual poll fails #2253
  • Improved UI workflow on the Select Connectors window #2276
  • Added UI rule refreshing and duplicate-sequence checks on server to resolve sequence related errors when saving Categorization Rules #2287
  • Handling exceptions when creating a maintenance window for an entity/group via REST API #2297
  • Fixing removal of maintenance windows from entity/group via REST API #2298
  • Adding context menu on child entities in nested grid in the Entity Console #2299
  • Categorization rule fixes for ManageEngine APM connector variables and SCOM default rules #2309
  • Resolved issues with Solarwinds custom fields polling not overriding mapped fields #2311
  • Fixed refresh loop on Alerts Console after navigating away from Dashboard (Chrome issue) #2314
  • Handling scenario when trying to delete an action that is used in a correlation rule #2315
  • Fixing deletion of entity links when removing parent-child relationship and when deleting entities #2319
  • Added ability to SNMP proxy to parse multiple MIB paths #2324
  • Fixed inline date filtering on Alerts Console #2325
  • Added qualifier around “Last Comment” field in CSV export #2327
  • Added prompt for discarding reordering of categorization rule when a user attempts to modify another rule without first saving order #2330

RightITnow ECM 4.2.11

05 July 2016


  • JIRA REST connector now checks available incident fields before creation #2317
  • Fixed issue where SSO logins did not apply correct browser timezone offset #2318

RightITnow ECM 4.2.10

18 April 2016


  • MIBs added to directory are detected automatically #2022
  • Changed default logging level to INFO and logging proxy startup #2067
  • Fixed issue with alert displets loosing grid settings when saving #2219
  • Adding discard support in SNMP proxy scripts #2249
  • Adding log4j logging support in proxies #2250
  • Exposing all available tokens in rules and actions for the SCOM 2012 connector #2269
  • Fixed issue parsing the auth protocol in the SNMP proxy #2270
  • Fixed issue with purging issuing extra queries when deleting #2271
  • Fixed issue with polling date in SCOM 2012 #2272
  • Fixed several issues with display configuration and the alerts console fullscreen mode #2275

RightITnow ECM 4.2.9

17 March 2016


  • Fixed issue where default date time formats where not applied to new users #2234
  • Override filter to always view assigned alerts option now considers assigned group #2258
  • Map the SCOM server FQDN to the connector_entity token #2259
  • Alert export now uses date display format from user preferences #2262

RightITnow ECM 4.2.8

26 February 2016


  • Removed extra version information added to automated config backups #2251
  • Fixed issue with Zenoss connector not using last poll time correctly #2252
  • Changed length of token name and alias fields for connector tokens to 255 #2257

RightITnow ECM 4.2.7

18 February 2016


  • Fixed timed condition rules throwing exceptions #2223
  • Optimized latest event retrieval query when processing alerts #2236
  • Fixed timed conditions triggering action before alert count is reached #2246
  • Fixed issue in backup config with actions in correlation rules #2248

RightITnow ECM 4.2.6

18 January 2016


  • Extend entity mapping capabilities of AWS CloudWatch connector #946
  • Update113 fails when discriminators contain static text #2204
  • Allow events to be viewed from alerts displet #2205
  • Categorization service does not validate rules where “Entity Group” forms a part of the rule filter #2206
  • Fixed LDAP synch issue when using create on the fly #2208

RightITnow ECM 4.2.5

4 January 2016


  • Disabling displet refresh on dashboard when a popup is open #2179
  • Adding option to show alert details popup directly on dashboard #2180

RightITnow ECM 4.2.4

9 November 2015


  • Implemented check to always append to existing log file #2170

RightITnow ECM 4.2.3

23 October 2015


  • Optimized the retrieval of incident IDs during alerts console refresh #2164
  • Added pagination to the update incident popup #2165
  • Entity custom fields can now be used in the Update Alert/Entity Custom Field actions #2166
  • Fix for read-only entity groups not displayed in grids when separating group types across multiple columns #2167
  • Fix to prevent users from deleting dashboards and grid layouts not belonging to them #2168
  • Fix to prevent lead alerts from being selected automatically when expanding an alert #2169

RightITnow ECM 4.2.2

14 September 2015


  • Fix Merge Alerts action to include Existing Filters List #2159
  • Enhance UpdateIncidentID action to attach Alert Details for JIRA tickets #2160

RightITnow ECM 4.2.1

17 August 2015


  • Alert SnapShot Job optimizations #1680
  • Changes to preserve SolarWinds groups structure assigned under non-SolarWinds groups on subsequent polls #1973
  • Fixing Exception after renaming a SOAP connector & sending a new event #2053
  • New Report added – Time to assign/acknowledge/close report #2097
  • Minor fixes in SolarWinds event polling #2112
  • Group based SolarWinds entities polling #2139
  • Implemented SolarWinds cache external ids for quick lookup #2140
  • Fixing exceptions with error response handling during Zenoss event polling #2142
  • Set up Salesforce Connector to read status from any chosen field #2143
  • Remove entity group in ECM when a device class is deleted in zenoss #2145
  • Fixing Errors when renaming a connector #2148
  • Better handling of exceptions when processing connector entity in event #2150

RightITnow ECM 4.2

23 June 2015

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • Entity Audit Constraint fix:
    Please run the audit_entity_entry_fix_constraint.sql script on the ECM database prior to the upgrade.
    ECM needs to be offline when this script is run.
    The script fixes a few database constraint issues noticed in the Entity Audit tables during upgrades.


  • Support for packaging and backup for the custom logo #674
  • New Action that generates an event/alert #1425
  • Updated the network map to support entity group hierarchy #1559
  • Use last value of event tokens in UEA rules #1641
  • Added proper date filtering on date fields #1628
  • Added support for milliseconds in events timestamp #1691
  • Feature to maintain the order of fields in the Insert Incident Action #1733
  • Added support for showing details of a single alert via URL #1740
  • Actions Tab Enhancements to display where an action is referenced in ECM #1741
  • Added logged in user parameter in actions #1743
  • Feature to merge multiple entities into one entity in the entity console #1746
  • Feature to Edit and Manage Entity Classes and Types #1748
  • Feature to Edit entity hierarchies #1749
  • Added support to make the fields shown in alert details window configurable #1758
  • Ability to customise the Create Incident pop up window to contain read-only fields #1779
  • New action to allow updating a custom entity field #1780
  • Enhancements to Alert Filtering to search for Lead Alerts / Rolled up Alerts #1785
  • Split entity groups by group type in the alert console #1803
  • Entity poller for SCOM 2012 #1655, #1820, #1940, #1941, #1942, #1943, #2070
  • Added polling Status to Zenoss #1831
  • Push ECM Maintenance Windows to Zenoss Device Groups #1835
  • Native SCOM 2012 event connector #1856
  • Allow Alert Merge calls from Correlation Rules #1869
  • Feature to allow users to change the date format #1878
  • Added JMX DB statistics #1880
  • Added option in workflow to prompt for reason when acknowledging alerts #1884
  • Differ appearance of groups from entities in the network map #1946
  • Added Option to select all entities for the maintenance window calendar #1947
  • Adding SSL support for ME AppManager #2021
  • Add checkbox for topology polling in Solarwinds connector #2032
  • Add multiple community support to SNMP Proxy #2034
  • Allow acknowledgement reason when auto ack is enabled #2035
  • ME AppManager should have a separate list of polling options for Entities #2060
  • In Create Incident Action, added a template for the comments log #2068
  • Added option to add attachments to tickets in JIRA #2082
  • SalesForce connector – added new field to the connector settings to enter custom ticket URL prefix #2092



  • Fixed Alert details display issue when grid is grouped #1389
  • Fixed issue with renaming a connector #1426
  • Fix to ldap connector to enforce check for non-ldap group when trying to add user group #1428
  • Configuration Backup fails when there are double quotes in the description of rules #1608
  • Added HTML sanitization for computed fields #1654
  • SCOM connector changes to read property list from config #1655
  • Fixed REST response when trying to update imported custom entity fields #1671
  • Optimized the alerts fetching queries #1704
  • Added Entity custom fields to the RSS template #1706
  • Categorization rule config scroll issue fixed #1759
  • Defective selection in the EntityGroupTreeGrid fixed #1808
  • Config selection to disable SSO popup #1809
  • Fixed Maintenance Window display issue in Dashboards #1852
  • Fixed Custom Properties display in Entity Details #1855
  • Fixed issue with Connector grouping #1858
  • Added Escalation Call Orders to backup #1859
  • Upgrade scripts enhancements #1881, #1913, #1912
  • Backup/Restore Enhancements #1889
  • Fail to load actions #1894, #1891
  • Enforce DB Char set as utf8 on table sets #1912
  • Eliminate the loading of all entities on ECM startup #1922
  • Optimize Roll up query to prevent wait locks on Alert Table #1924
  • Fix expand filter button in Chrome #1929
  • When deleting an entity with an alias the alias is not removed from the cache #1933
  • Fixed exception in Alert Console when updating alert Context menu #1956
  • Fixed issue when polling Zenoss entity groups #1961, #1990
  • Check for Tag list changes when persisting changes to tag rules #1966
  • Check for Custom Fields during import of Actions / Rules #1977
  • Fixed issue with paged vs non-paged filters appearing in reports #1980
  • Deleting a custom entity field does not delete its values #1981
  • Alerts filters using “contains” operator don’t work when the value has a space in non-paged alerts mode #1985
  • Display issues in header of full screen alerts console #2001
  • Change the title for the default grid layout #2002
  • Hide the Expansion column in the Alerts Console if the Roll up feature is turned off #2014
  • Upgrade issue with rules referencing custom fields.#2018
  • Cascade delete not applied to event_time table causing entity deletion to fail #2023
  • Solarwinds polling fails to enrich entities with multiple ip addresses #2024
  • Update all existing user sessions with the current browser offset to reflect accurate timezone changes #2031
  • Remove the Event Timestamp index from fresh installations #2036
  • Fixed issue with Scom polling #2047
  • Fixed Correlations display issue when SCOM connector is selected #2048
  • Remove SW Dynamic Query feature from 4.2 #2049
  • Fixed Hibernate session close issue #2051
  • SW component discovery redesign #2052
  • Fixed SCOM polled entities show as Unknown #2058
  • Categorisation rules disappear after reordering while filtering #2059
  • SCOM Last date does not persist information to the millisecond, causing the last alerts to be duplicated #2062
  • SolarWinds performance fixes #2065, #2073, #2074, #2075, #2078, #2079, #2085, #2136
  • Removed Connector polling estimated time calculations #2076
  • Add checks to ensure that an action cannot be triggered on an empty list of alerts #2080
  • Connectors Panel – Editing when a section is collapsed, creates issues on the form re-load #2083
  • Verify topology is marked to be polled, before adding child / parent info #2084
  • NPE when adding entity to cache #2085
  • Topology request returning unknown source type: null #2086
  • Entities discovered by event pollers, are not enriched in entity polling #2087
  • Fixed issue with Date type Custom Fields parsing #2088
  • Fixed Exception when polling group events #2089
  • Action Group window for UI only actions should work with no custom fields configured #2091
  • Fixed Events related to groups are linked to the Unknown entity #2095
  • Fixed Events related to SW services not polled #2096
  • Fixed SolarWinds Event last polled date time persistence #2098
  • Fixed hibernate lazy load exception when deleting SW group members #2100
  • Enhancement for importing Node custom fields in NPM 11.5 onwards #2103
  • Changes to ensure SW defaults polling to true on upgrade #2106
  • Fixed SW Applications being added to the correct parent #2108
  • Fix default Insert Incident action with edit settings #2117
  • Entity view does not refresh when applying entity enrichment #2132
  • Entities view sometimes shows no entities after moving to group #2133
  • Fixed ECM group enrichment filter specifying boolean imported custom field #2134

RightITnow ECM 4.1.16

14 April 2022


  • Changes made to ECM to retrofit licensing upgrade changes #3065

RightITnow ECM 4.1.15

15 November 2017


  • Fixed issue with REST API alert annotation updates overwriting other alert data #2493

RightITnow ECM 4.1.14

20 May 2016


  • Enforce UTF8 encoding on backup configuration files #2289

RightITnow ECM 4.1.13

08 February 2016


  • Replaced regex with actual date parsing when setting custom date field #2200
  • Added option to purge alert audits for active alerts #2202
  • Reduced entity updated audits caused by an issue with certain connectors #2222

RightITnow ECM 4.1.12

21 December 2015


  • Fixed issue with deployed connectors appearing as undeployed #2176
  • Filters now saved correctly when scheduling reports #2177
  • Fixed issue with custom fields not appearing in RSS feeds #2193
  • Allow overriding of permissions not set on any role #2197

RightITnow ECM 4.1.11

09 October 2015


  • Fix Incident loading issue during Alert Console refresh #2164
  • Pagination of Incident records in pop up form #2165

RightITnow ECM 4.1.10

14 September 2015


  • Fix GWT serialization issue with LinkedList sublists #2158
  • Rectify grid layout frozen setting from being applied from previous layouts #2161
  • Fix filter dropdown in reports for shared filters #2162

RightITnow ECM 4.1.9

14 April 2015


  • Fixed reordering of categorization rules when filtered #2059

RightITnow ECM 4.1.8

13 March 2015


  • Fixed upgrade issue with rules containing custom fields #2018

RightITnow ECM 4.1.7

28 January 2015


  • Fixed issue when updating incident status for ServiceNow® tickets #1971

RightITnow ECM 4.1.6

21 January 2015


  • Fixed issue with Alert Publisher action #1964
  • Fixed issue with fresh ECM installations #1965

RightITnow ECM 4.1.5

19 January 2015


  • Optimize Roll up query to prevent wait locks on Alert Table #1924

RightITnow ECM 4.1.4

22 December 2014


  • Fix issue with Alert CSV Export #1899
  • Optimize the loading of all entities on ECM startup in 4.1 #1918
  • Add additional logging for filters not saved during 4.1 upgrade #1919
  • Make API maxLimit a configurable setting in User Preferences #1920

RightITnow ECM 4.1.3

9 December 2014


  • Fixed ManageEngine connector to poll alerts #1802
  • Added thread dump on OOM by default in ECM #1863
  • Fixed issue when changing Alert Context Menu Configuration Options #1905
  • Changed LDAP Connector to validate users even while undeployed #1907
  • Added more logging info to Zenoss event poller #1908
  • Fixed new entity creation issue when event with alias of an existing entity is received #1909
  • Reduced the REST response calls to display only 50 alerts at a time #1910

RightITnow ECM 4.1.2

13 November 2014


  • Made Syslog regex patterns customizable from the UI #1897
  • Fixed SolarWinds entity to skip errors during entity enrichment and resume processing #1900
  • Fixed Zenoss group membership issue #1904

RightITnow ECM 4.1.1

28 October 2014


  • Make Calendar displet customizable to select entities and entity groups to load #1805
  • Fixed Exception in Correlations Module occurring when incoming alert is in maintenance #1864
  • Fixed Dynamic Query parsing when referring to custom fields containing the keyword OR #1866
  • Rectified issue encountered during SolarWinds topology polling #1867
  • Fixed issue encountered during SolarWinds Events Polling #1886

RightITnow ECM 4.1

6 October 2014

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • Connector imported custom fields:
    If two connectors refer to the same entity, have the same custom field name and both connectors are in the deployed state,
    then the entity custom field value will reflect the value of most recent poll.


  • Assign To User Group #1329
  • Update Custom Field Action to Support Add, Remove and Update #1377
  • Audit enhancements #1400
  • Reflect recurrent Maintenance Windows in Zenoss #1507
  • Purge cycle for Incidents #1526
  • Changed entity viewer in SLA breach log #1528
  • Add option for entity groups to inherit maintenance windows #1560
  • Add Connector Token variables to the Incident Actions #1574
  • Add an alert merging or rollup mechanism – #1576, #1786, #1787, #1817
  • Categorization rule enhancements for de-duplication criteria #1582
  • Allow UI actions in action groups #1584
  • SLA Reports #1587
  • Support for SAM in SW connector #1597
  • Make the logo background configurable #1609
  • Allow export to CSV file the audit logs #1610
  • Allow more complex context sensitive conditions for Alert console menu #1616
  • Add Alerts menu to dashboard displets #1618
  • Validation to prevent deploy of invalid categorisation rules #1619
  • Feature to pause grid auto refresh when a popup is open #1620
  • Create Scheduling Service for rules and connectors #1622
  • Use UI filters in correlation rules #1686
  • Update an external ticket (eg. In JIRA) when an ECM alert is tagged to the ticket #1698
  • Make the Custom Field Update action editable from the UI #1707
  • Enable SSO with Integrated Windows Authentication #1709, #1729
  • Add categorization rule token to events #1739
  • Import Entity Groups from Zenoss #1764
  • Import SolarWinds Node and application information for imported components #1775
  • Add an option to SW connector to exclude entities from being imported #1790
  • Enable the Create Maintenance Window action for Alert Groups #1795
  • Add Options to SolarWinds connector to filter incoming events #1796
  • Enhancements to SolarWinds Connector Status #1815
  • UEA rules for Closed Alerts #1816
  • Added support for custom fields in Entity Group enrichment filter #1825
  • Support SolarWinds Dynamic Queries to populate Entity Groups #1826



  • Fixed issue with Maintenance Window Calendar not showing recurring events #1645
  • Maintenance window Calendar to show events only for selected entity/group #1647
  • Maintenance window calendar should open in business hours #1650
  • Enable Re-tries when user update queries results in Lock Wait Time Out exceptions #1679
  • Review the date filtering for custom fields #1692
  • Show warning when undeploying correlations with nested rules #1693
  • Maintenance Window Display enhancements #1695
  • Fixed duplicate entry error when receiving events with same entity and same connector #1721
  • Entity group – entity association is not deleted when the entity group is deleted #1726
  • Bouncy Castle library Upgrade #1734
  • Fixed Blank Display for Alert Details in SLA Breach Log #1736
  • Fix Correlations sorting based on order #1744
  • Change the response of the Add Annotation call to reflect the status correctly #1747
  • SF Incident Subject field needs to be trimmed to 255 characters #1755
  • Fixed RSS access exception #1769
  • Fixed Error replacing alert field values in create incident #1772
  • Fixed “Failed to load initial data, please contact your system administrator” when opening correlations or rules created on the fly #1774
  • Fixed issue with removing tags from alerts #1776
  • Fixed Entity Grouping issue for Solar Winds Components #1777
  • Dashboard’s System Health alert links fail to load related alerts only #1781
  • Do now allow Closed alert state to be changed #1782
  • Improve SolarWinds polling performance #1783
  • Remove display of deleted Entity Groups from System Health displet #1784
  • Fixed Entity Grouping issue for Solar Winds imported Nodes #1788
  • Current connector status should be shown in UI #1789
  • Investigate mismatch warnings when connector is deployed #1791
  • Fixed ECM logo display upload issue #1792
  • Change url re-direction for ECM Cloud instance #1794
  • Rectify Label info in Reports panel #1797
  • Reset Alert State to be Open if the associated Owner is deleted #1798
  • Enable Select Group View drop down control at all times – #1800, #1829
  • Fixed transactions calls for audit record creation #1801
  • Fix issue with adding a user to a user group with role overridden set #1806
  • Fixed Closed Alert Filtering issues #1819
  • SolarWinds connector optimization #1822
  • Fixed Entity tree display issue #1830
  • Fixed issue when removing ticket from an alert #1833
  • Log query that fails in SW API #1836
  • Fix maintenance window duration displays #1837
  • Fix simultaneous polling of events and entities #1840
  • Enhancements to Entity Caching #1841
  • Fixed issue with cyclic alias references on entity discovery #1846
  • Fixed upgrade issue from 3.8.x to 4.x #1849
  • Fixed SCOM connector update Alert calls #1851

RightITnow ECM 4.0.2

2 September 2014


  • Adding UEA correlation rules for Closed Alerts – #1816

RightITnow ECM 4.0.1

15 July 2014


  • Alert mapping issue fixed for Entity Aliases field – #1760
  • Fixed issue with changing an alert custom field- #1761
  • Fixed Send Email action (executed via the UI) – #1762
  • AppManager import entities issue fixed – #1765
  • Closed Alerts tab load issue fixed – #1766
  • Changes made to ServiceNow® SOAP query to retrieve details from internal tables- #1767
  • SolarWinds custom fields import issue fixed – #1768

RightITnow ECM 4.0

6 June 2014

Upgrade & Release Notes:

  • Rivermuse URL is no longer supported:
    As of ECM 4.0 redirection of /rivermuse URLs has been withdrawn. Request URLs should be changed to /rightitnow.
    Similarly any RSS and REST API clients, and proxy applications which may be using /rivermuse in their request URLs should be updated to use /rightitnow.The existing SNMPProxy python script should change package references from com.rivermuse.preprocessor to com.rightitnow.preprocessor
    When upgrading to ECM 4.0, you will need to upgrade the Java/Python API to rightitnow-api-2.1.jar/rightitnow-python-1.1.zip
    Proxies using these APIs also need to be updated accordingly.
  • Alert State reporting:
    As of ECM 4.0, reports can be generated on alert states.
    To be able to generate reports on data (audit entries) created before the upgrade to 4.0, the update_audit_entry.sql script should be run against the database.
    This must be done when ECM is down and can be done before or after the upgrade.
  • IP addresses as Alias usage:
    In version 4.0 we have introduced the option to use IP addresses as Aliases, meaning that when an event is received where the entity token equals an IP address of an existing entity, the event will be associated with that entity.
    Note that when you upgrade to 4.0 from an older version, the default value of this option will be the same as your setting for the existing “Use Entity Aliases” option.
    With a fresh install of ECM 4.0 options “DNS Resolve Entities”, “Use Entity Aliases” and “Use IP Addresses as Aliases” are “ON” by default.


  • Add reference to parent of Incoming entity in right hand side of filter #1083
  • Extend entity groups to support hierarchies #1216
  • JIRA Enhancements – update incident action #1226
  • Delete Users feature #1252
  • Extended rules to work with entity custom fields #1313
  • Allow users to schedule report generation #1382
  • Added a workflow option for discarding events #1421
  • Conditional display of the Purge Interrupt button based on the job’s running status #1422
  • Display Entity Groups of an entity in the details section #1427
  • Advance Filtering enhancements #1429
  • New permissions for Group Management #1430
  • Feature to create a single ticket for multiple alerts #1448
  • Added additional time units for Maintenance Window creation #1450
  • Maintenance Window Creation action enhanced to accept user input #1453
  • Sorted display of Permissions #1460
  • Import External tickets into ECM from JIRA #1470
  • Use JIRA custom priorities #1475
  • Setting last comment to Close or Reopen reason #1478
  • Allow access to all alert’s fields in portlets #1479
  • Allow sorting and column resizing on shared dashboards #1480
  • Enhance portlets to show alert count and link to filter #1487
  • Entity Variables refactored #1488
  • Application Logging enhancements #1490
  • Reporting enhancements #1496
  • Feature to import SolarWinds device groups as Entity Groups and Entities #1505
  • Included timestamps to check time of day and day of week to allow rules based on these fields. #1506
  • Feature to import JIRA Assignees into ECM #1511
  • Added Entity Fields to the Alert Console #1514
  • Added Grid Management for Alert Console #1515
  • User’s group view customisation #1518
  • Import functionality for Entity Custom fields #1520
  • Added support for static custom field defaults #1521
  • Tool to parse MIBs and create SNMP Trap formats (#1530, #1531,#1566, #1567, #1568, #1589, #1598, #1602)
  • Import External tickets into ECM from Salesforce #1533
  • Allow alert processing when in maintenance #1537
  • SolarWinds – display more details in the ECM alert created from Orion #1538
  • Created Audit Entries for Custom Fields #1540
  • Zenoss events processed in the same order they arrived to Zenoss #1549
  • Export Alert CSV in the user’s chosen timezone #1550
  • Feature to export entities as CSV #1555
  • REST API calls for Entity Group Hierarchy #1557
  • Made the user’s display name editable #1561
  • Added logged in user as a recipient for Mail action #1562
  • Feature to consider IP Addresses as an alias #1563
  • Changes made to search user record on the basis of the CN during login #1572
  • Granular permissions introduced for pagination settings #1575
  • Increased the Ticket field sizes – URL and Status #1577
  • Minor enhancements for Closed Alert Purge operation #1579
  • Added computed custom field type #1588
  • Feature to add SolarWinds tokens  #1591
  • Configured ‘Update Incident Action’ to support append vs overwrite of values #1594
  • Feature to map imported entity custom fields to ECM custom fields #1595
  • Added Audit Entry for Notification Events #1624
  • Import IP Addresses for nodes from SolarWinds #1630
  • Added context sensitivity conditions for Entity Custom Fields  #1635
  • Feature to include Custom Date fields in the Update Custom Fields action #1649
  • Changed workflow setting to assign alerts to users prior to creating incidents #1678
  • Added feature to validate inline grid filters in the Alerts Console #1689
  • Added Support for milliseconds in Custom Date Fields #1690
  • Added ability to log comments in JIRA for each Alert part of a bulk Ticket creation operation #1697



  • Deadlocks when two polls kick in at the same time #1065
  • Fix connector status in grid when a second incident connector is trying to get deployed #1246
  • Fixed bug concerning incoming events for deleted SOAP connectors #1285
  • Fixed bug with SLA rules creation by users with custom roles #1288
  • Fixed Entity sorting and filtering based on custom fields #1306
  • Upgraded proxies to use the /rightitnow url #1308
  • Standardise connector configuration settings #1315
  • Fixed Alert Context menu alignment #1477
  • Fixing issues with Maintenance Schedules #1485
  • Removed Rivermuse redirect support #1493
  • Changes made to rectify slow screen behaviour in Chrome #1523
  • Fixed Issue with Clearing Custom fields action #1532
  • Fixed bug with workflow action execution on newly discovered entity #1534
  • Fixed backup configuration to remove copying deleted connector tokens #1542
  • Fixed Entity discovery conflict during polling #1545
  • Fixed minor connector tokens UI grid issues #1546
  • Handled truncation in indexed custom fields #1548
  • Fixed duplicate execution order when reordering correlation rules #1552
  • Made changes to the External Command action to handle thread safety #1553
  • Fixed Entity retrieval calls in REST API #1565
  • Enhanced performance while updating custom fields #1569
  • Fixed Clear Field option in Update Custom field actions #1570
  • Fixed issue when creating incidents with Single Select fields in JIRA REST calls #1580
  • Fixed issue with correlation rule matching on incoming fields #1581
  • Fixed issue with deleting tags #1585
  • Fixed issue with alerts console filter application on first switch #1586
  • Fixed SolarWinds polling to continue processing when error record encountered #1599
  • Added checks to make sure RSS and REST APIs are not accessed when ECM is not initialised #1600
  • Applied boundaries for pop up window to prevent being dragged off position #1601
  • Fixed User Group Overridden permission setting when user role is re-selected #1604
  • Added restriction for Correlation Rule sequence ordering #1605
  • Added checks to ensure that the username field is never null #1607
  • Sorted the User Group list appearing in the User Group Management screen drop down controls #1613
  • Fixed issue with user permission overwrite when SLA permissions owned by the user is saved #1615
  • Fixed IE9 Compatibility mode #1623
  • Added SLA Grid Rule validations to prevent duplicate time entries #1625
  • Fixed issue with new entity discovery via Zenoss #1626
  • Fixed issue while updating Incident  connector Grid  #1632
  • Added qualifiers for field values that have comma characters when exporting data to CSV #1621 #1633
  • Fixed duplicate occurrence of Entity Groups in dashboard displets #1636
  • Fixed issue with comparing a numeric custom field with a pervious field value in the filters #1639
  • Fixed issue with ServiceNow® connector default deployment #1653
  • Changes made to the Zenoss connector to resume processing entities on encountering erroneous records #1664
  • Fixed purging audit records that refer to entity groups #1668
  • Perform event ordering in the UI based on their creation timestamps #1670
  • Fixed backup restore tenant setting of Correlation Rules #1672
  • Optimisation of User Update query calls #1674
  • Changes made to trim trailing white spaces when importing entities from connectors #1677
  • Fixed issue with editing Admin’s user record #1684
  • Enhanced Solarwinds & Zenoss connector entity polling feature to resolve ip addresses and hostnames #1688 #1696
  • Fixed issue with value maps getting reset on the Alerts Grid #1712
  • Optimized user group permission related operations #1714
  • Added message to indicate screen loading when switching back to the Alerts Screen #1723
  • Fixed issue with purging SLA log records #1724
  • Fixed issue with adding/removing tags to alerts when alert publisher connector is deployed #1725

RightITnow ECM 3.8.8

11 June 2014


  • Upgrade Bouncy Castle libraries to fix key generation errors – #1734

RightITnow ECM 3.8.7

17 April 2014


  • Fixed issue starting Service Now connector when using a proxy – #1627

RightITnow ECM 3.8.6

13 March 2014


  • Removed the blacklisted zenoss tokens set by default – #1593

RightITnow ECM 3.8.5

18 February 2014


  • Fixed SLA settings with differing varying severity levels set – #1359
  • Setting the auto-publish option by default on the Alert Publisher – #1535
  • Fixed tenant setting in Correlations Rules – #1551
  • Fixed issue with Create Incident Action setting – #1554
  • Support for mailto: in URL actions – #1564
  • Using HQL to enhance performance to update Alert Custom Fields – #1569
  • Added Not Null context sensitive condition and included ticket url field in URL action – #1571
  • Fixed Update Entity Custom field action invocation on Incident status update – #1573

RightITnow ECM 3.8.4

30 January 2014


  • Fixed issue with ActiveMQ alert queues getting blocked when Rules are undeployed mid processing – #1539
  • Fixed issue with JMS concurrent saves on the connector copy of Alert messages – #1541
  • Fixed issue with discarded Regex connector tokens – #1543
  • Changed the Common Connector Properties job from including Zenoss in the periodic execution – #1544

RightITnow ECM 3.8.3

24 January 2014


  • Fixed issue Event Detail display when token values differed – #1536

RightITnow ECM 3.8.2

22 January 2014


  • Fixed issue with creating a ticket in Salesforce when the assignee is set to Logged In User – #1411
  • Added the field ‘In Maintenance’ in filters to check for entities in maintenance – #1447
  • Fixed error when creating Entity Groups with the group type specified – #1512
  • Made changes to sort user groups alphabetically in the Alert Console windows – #1513
  • Removed unnecessary logging from Jira connector – #1516
  • Fixed issue with boolean Custom Fields validation – #1517
  • Fixed issue with updating entity maintenance window in Zenoss – #1519
  • Fixed issue with login session update job – #1522
  • Made changes to zenoss entity polling to check for updates – #1524
  • Fixed issue when executing the action to update entity custom fields – #1525
  • Display Entity Custom Fields in the alert console – #1527
  • Fixed issue when executing the action to clear entity custom fields – #1532

RightITnow ECM 3.8.1

03 January 2014


  • Fixed issue with the JIRA connector caching project keys that could have been deleted – #1509
  • Optimized the JIRA connector polling to retrieve less tickets when synchronizing – #1510

RightITnow ECM 3.8

23 December 2013

Upgrade notes

  • The Alert Custom Fields feature has a few performance optimizations as a part of which there can only be utmost 20 custom fields configured. Of these 10 can be indexed (with maximum 254 characters) and 10 non-indexed (free text). The alert_variable table can be kept as such, ECM will not be using it for operational purposes.
  • We will be withdrawing support for URL re-direction from /rivermuse to /rightitnow from the next release onwards. Please make sure you update all ECM URLs accordingly.
  • The ClearMaintenanceWindowEntityGroup action is not supported anymore. If you have used it in the Alert Workflow, please remove it from the dropdown(s) and save the workflow.


  • Added messaging utility for Admins to be share notifications across all users #1113
  • Added Zenoss Enhancements for improved entity detail retrieval & event actions #1155
  • Added multiple dashboards functionality for user #1178
  • Introduced new REST API call to display node hierarchy #1204
  • JIRA REST API implementation #1218
  • Changes made to facilitate data copying from Audit logs #1224
  • Improved performance of Custom Alert Fields #1231, #1390,#1391,#1396, #1406,# 1416, #1435,#1458
  • Added ability to download subgroups from LDAP #1236
  • Extended permission model to cover different types of correlation rules #1238
  • Define user role on group basis #1240, #1394
  • Define permissions on a User Group basis #1241
  • Sort list of connectors #1247
  • Added workflow options for custom alert field changes #1248
  • Introduced new action to re-evaluate tags on alert(s) #1249
  • Allow access to entity fields like ‘Entity Class’ or ‘Entity Type’ in the rules #1250
  • Reports can now view partially breached alert states #1256
  • Corrected the bug regarding false validation of script used in External Action #1289
  • Fixed bug with Save Button disappearing in Alert Priority Configuration #1290
  • New feature to allow users to select the connector tokens to be shown in the rules tabs #1291, #1439, #1441, #1466
  • New feature for publishing alerts to an external queue #1301
  • Extended the Update Incident action to Salesforce connector #1304
  • New index for Event table on new installations #1319
  • Increased clarity of UI messages that report in Incident Creation failure #1325
  • Added Workflow component to force comment on alert before action #1330
  • Add new UI control to facilitate adding incident ID to the alert #1331
  • Hide disabled menu items #1337
  • Extend Update Incident action to Custom Incident Connector #1339
  • Introduce Close Incident action and make it available for Custom Incident connector and possibly others #1340
  • Improve adding/removing tags #1357
  • Footer made configurable for the mail action #1358
  • Improved performance of partial breaches #1359
  • Added ability to save a multi-field sort to an Advanced filter #1362
  • Maintenance window enhancements #1366,#1367, #1368,#1369,#1370
  • Fixed REST API bug encountered when custom field is deleted #1372
  • REST API – Included logging when the response payload exceeds the default page limit of 50 #1373
  • Added option to include non-dependant values of a linked custom field #1375
  • Fixed bug in REST API SLA breaches retrieval, when page number and max results are not specified #1379
  • Fixed issue with tenancy caching in hosted environment #1388
  • Fixed issue with line breaks being replaced in the Send Email action #1392
  • Fixing filter validation issues for numeric and date fields #1397
  • Reduce logging severity for Salesforce when an invalid ticket is encountered during polling #1398
  • Made external action output window resizable #1399
  • ECM REST API – improve Error reporting when using the invokeAction call to update custom fields #1402
  • Changes made to ensure that alerts with tickets linked were not overwritten #1403, #1451
  • Salesforce Connector – Fixed the setting of Sales Force field, Created By #1404
  • Changes made to ensure that LDAP: distinguished name copes with spaces #1407
  • Increase size of filter in database for categorisation #1409
  • Made the filter builder UI section expandable #1410
  • Fixed issue when refreshing custom fields from JIRA #1412
  • Fixed issue with JEXL failing to evaluate strings with the EOL character #1417
  • Changes made to import only operational Business Services from Service Now #1418
  • Changes made to allow multiple field values to be specified for sorting in Alert Filters #1419
  • Realigned Filter Popup window icon in User Group Management Screen #1420
  • Introduced a configurable message to be displayed when closing of alerts fails #1423
  • Add logging when user accesses REST API and Reports #1424
  • Fixed Date and Date-time field settings in Salesforce Connector #1431
  • Fixed issue with Inline filtering after field clearing #1432
  • Changes made to mirror RITN maintenance windows in Zenoss #1433
  • Sorted drop downs in context menu sensitivity settings #1434
  • Fixed issue with Reports when date boundaries are clubbed with certain filter fields #1436
  • Fixed JIRA session being inactive (SOAP & REST) #1437
  • Fixed Exception thrown when polling for Events Zenoss connector #1438
  • Made changes to configure Logged In User in an Assign Alert action #1440
  • Fixed HTTP count in health stats #1442
  • Fixed issue with loading the deployed AWSConnector #1443
  • Trimmed leading and trailing white spaces of entity names #1446
  • Fixed issue with UEA correlations not being reordered #1449
  • Fixed issue with saving context menu #1452
  • Added a configurable limit on returned RSS feed items #1456
  • Fixed sorting for Closed alert grids #1457
  • Fix to prevent the Server log monitor from spawning multiple threads while reading a corrupt file #1459
  • Increased the allowable size for correlation rules name #1462
  • Performance issue retrieving audit entries for Alerts due to join with Entity table #1463
  • Zenoss connector not using last poll date when redeploying #1464
  • Added custom incident connector documentation and files to the Starter Kit Portlet #1467
  • Fixed issue while saving application settings on a new installation #1468
  • Fixed timezone issue for Zenoss polling date #1469
  • Fix to allow Jira Ticket creation when the summary contains new lines #1471
  • Fixed issue while creating Jira tickets when no valid priority is assigned #1472
  • Fixed the Create Incident action to use the correct value for Logged In User system setting #1474
  • Fixed issue while assigning a user to an entity #1481
  • Added the Logged in User as a field that can be used in the template for Zenoss Annotate actions. #1483
  • Added warning message when Entity Alias is created and the Entity Aliases Lookup feature is turned off #1486
  • Added checks for invalid session before retrieving tickets #1489
  • Fixed issue while updating Categorization rules during alert processing #1491
  • Fixed issue displaying blank event details window #1494
  • Fixed issue when deploying Solarwinds and initialising the entities #1498
  • Fixed issue regarding Entity Graph child node display #1502

RightITnow ECM 3.5.8

15 July 2014


  • ServiceNow® query SOAP query changes to retrieve data from internal tables – #1767

RightITnow ECM 3.5.7

10 January 2014


  • Reusing session when communicating with ServiceNow® instead of creating a new one each time – #1504

RightITnow ECM 3.5.6

22 November 2013 Internal release


  • Fixed high event token count in Zenoss connector – #1454

RightITnow ECM 3.5.5

12 November 2013 Internal release


  • Fixed race condition in event processor when under high concurrent load – #1444

RightITnow ECM 3.5.4

30 October 2013 Internal release


  • Fixed issue adding LDAP users to groups – #1407

RightITnow ECM 3.5.3

21 October 2013


  • Fixed error when exporting events as CSV file – #1378
  • Fixed issue escaping commas in reports – #1380
  • Fixed issue parsing URLs in alert details window – #1387
  • Fixed newline character issue in send email action – #1392
  • Fixed overly verbose logging of Salesforce connector – #1398
  • Added ability to resize output window from external command action – #1399
  • Fixed issue with created by field in Salesforce connector – #1404
  • Fixed issue adding LDAP users to groups – #1407
  • Improved usability of filter builders by allowing more flexibility over their sizes – #1410

RightITnow ECM 3.5.2

September 2013


  • Fixed issue with group membership retrieval for Open LDAP – #1383
  • Additional parameter added for REST API closed alerts retrieval  – #1384

RightITnow ECM 3.5.1

September 2013


  • Fixed issue with SLA rules breach status setting when breach state was partial – #1365
  • Fixed issue with JIRA connector project field retrieval  – #1371

RightITnow ECM 3.5

30 August 2013

Important notes

  • RiverMuse is now called RightITnow, links and branding have been updated
  • ‘RiverMuse Thread Count’ property in heath statistics API have renamed to ‘Thread Count’

Upgrade notes

  • Users with alert filters that have duplicate names need to manually resolve this before upgrading. These steps need to be applied while ECM is not running, and before applying the upgrade.
    1. 1) Check if the database has a valid tenant using the query
      SELECT * FROM tenant;

      If this query returns no results, then no tenant is present and you need to contact RightITnow support for help on how to resolve this issue. If a tenant exists, proceed to step 2.

    2. 2) Check for any duplicate filters using the query SELECT name, created_by, COUNT(id) AS count FROM ui_filter GROUP BY name, created_by having count > 1;
    3. 3) The filter names returned by this query are duplicates, with the count column showing how many times the filter name was found. For each filter, use the query SELECT * FROM ui_filter WHERE name = ‘the filter name’ and created_by = ‘created by’; to view the filters and determine which one(s) to delete or rename.
    4. 4) Delete or rename these duplicate filters so that when running the query in step 2, no results are returned. This will allow ECM to apply the correct index to the ui_filter table.
    5. 5) Proceed with the usual upgrade instructions for ECM. Ignore any errors in the log about not being able to drop the index called name on the ui_filter table.
    6. 6) After the upgrade, the ui_filter table should have an index on the name, tenant and created_by fields.


  • Added Microsoft SQL Server support to JDBC connector – #998
  • Moved proxies & SDKs to content distribution network to reduce package size – #1057
  • Enhanced proxies to support ActiveMQ as an endpoint – #1064
  • Added filter management to closed alert view – #1072
  • Added per user-group alert context menu option – #1073
  • Added ability for duplicate filter names (personal filters) – #1080, #1302 & #1305
  • Enhanced alert groups to support multi-group membership – #1082
  • Added multi-select custom alert fields – #1084
  • Fixed ordering of actions in correlation UI – #1095
  • Improved handling of newlines in alert description action – #1096
  • Added ability to double-click to bring up entity details on entity console – #1098
  • Added ability to click through from ‘Active Alert Count’ column on entity console – #1099
  • Fixed issue with alert console when group by filter applied – #1100
  • Added ability to filter audit log by entity – #1103
  • Added action to hit/open URL from server – #1107
  • Improved start-up speed by starting components as soon as license validates – #1115
  • Improved send email action when issues from the alert console – #1144
  • Fixed issue when URL scheme is missed from Service-now connector configuration – #1150
  • Added pagination to user console – #1154
  • Removed exceptions relating to GWT serialization – #1164
  • Enhanced filters by showing saved filters in drop down – #1166
  • Fixed system alert creation when create incident action fails – #1168
  • Improved validation process with Service-now connector – #1169
  • Fixed database constrains when license validation fails – #1170
  • Added ability to trigger actions through mobile API – #1172
  • Added ability to manage entities through REST API – #1173
  • Added ability to retrieve alerts based on filter in mobile API – #1174
  • Added ‘Logged in user’ value to alert console filters – #1175
  • Added dedicated closed alert console – #1176
  • Added alert filters to dashboard portlets – #1177
  • Added ability to view related alerts in alert details window – #1179
  • Fixed issue with system connector in hosted mode – #1180
  • Added custom entity fields – #1181
  • Added entity workflow hooks when entity is created or updated – #1183
  • Removed ehcache errors – #1189
  • Removed erroneous ‘Update Variable’ action references – #1190
  • Fixed alert filtering when inheriting filters from multiple user groups – #1191
  • Added new REST API – #1194
  • Fixed alert console context menu configuration in hosted mode – #1198
  • Added ability to store email password in file for email proxy – #1200
  • Enhanced logging when periodic correlation rule fails – #1202
  • Added ability to retrieve entities with specific custom field value – #1203
  • Added reporting functionality – #1206
  • Enhanced permission granularity for configuration links – #1209
  • Extended user roles to 20 – #1212
  • Improved performance of license validation by using existing alert statistics – #1213
  • Removed erroneous log entry about deleting entity groups with entities present – #1214
  • Improved performance of various database operations through better use of batching – #1215
  • Added ability to remove incident from alert and allow deletion of incidents – #1217
  • Removing mandatory fields for JIRA connector – #1219
  • Allowing users to type values for context sensitive menus with custom fields – #1221
  • Fixed issue resulting in entity group maintenance windows being saved as inactive – #1222
  • Added support for both ‘+’ and ‘%20’ character escape sequences in REST API – #1223
  • Fixed polling issue for external incident API – #1225
  • Updated external incident API to improve consistency with other incident connectors – #1227
  • Improved email & SMS actions to allow to send one notification for a batch of alerts – #1229
  • Fixed issue restoring default alert context menu – #1230
  • Improved LDAP & Zenoss connectors to poll immediately upon deploy – #1234
  • Fixed issue resulting in user role being cleared when mass-updating – #1235
  • Added REST API to Getting Started portlet – #1243
  • Improved performance of user console – #1251
  • Fixed UI freeze after restoring from full screen – #1253
  • Removed restriction to only allow original author to update correlation rules – #1255
  • Added ability to overwrite filter values when retrieving alerts from REST API – #1257
  • Fixed issue when removing owner from an entity – #1258
  • Fixed issue when changing an entity maintenance window – #1259
  • Added API token generation to use preferences for API users – #1260
  • Improved performance of REST API with additional caching – #1261
  • Added Component field as a default field with Jira connector – #1262
  • Fixed field length issue with Jira connector – #1263
  • Re-branded RiverMuse to RightITnow (including changing the URL to /rightitnow/) – #1264
  • Fixed issue incorrectly showing non-event based connectors in filter builders – #1265
  • Enhanced permissions for alert console – #1266
  • Added filter abilities to user console – #1267
  • Improved configuration options when setting paged alert console for existing users – #1268
  • Fixed issue reverting earlier actions when applying an action group to change alert values – #1269 & #1228
  • Fixed validation when resetting custom fields to blank – #1271
  • Fixed issue preventing RITN from starting when client trust store is compromised – #1272
  • Added timeout configuration to ActiveMQ to improve reliability – #1273
  • Fixed issue resulting in event tokens disappearing from connector configuration – #1274
  • Improved purge performance by limiting purge configuration choices – #1275
  • Fixed issue with Service-now connector printing exceptions directly to STDOUT – #1276
  • Fixed duplicate alert checking when retrieving alerts – #1278
  • Removed duplicate tokens from filter builders when defined as alert field – #1279
  • Fixed issue with special characters when accessing REST API to get entities – #1280
  • Added ‘snmpTrapOID.0’ token for SNMPv2/v3 events – #1281
  • Fixed issue with duplicate application settings (such as license details) – #1283
  • Fixed permission checking for create rule on the fly UI – #1284
  • Fixed issue handling special characters with Service-now connector – #1286
  • Renamed “RiverMuse Thread Count” to “Thread Count” in heath statistics API – #1293
  • Enhanced alert purging to check for alerts being reopened during purge cycle – #1294
  • Fixed issue validating URL of ManageEngine Service Desk connector – #1296
  • Fixed loading issue when accessing user console directly – #1297
  • Added REST API call to retrieve events from a specific time window – #1298
  • Added ability for users to modify values before raising incident – #1310
  • Fixed issue creating incidents – #1312
  • Fixed sample application in incident SDK – #1317
  • Fixed issue displaying user groups when viewing user details – #1318
  • Fixed issue updating dependant custom fields from non-paged alert console – #1320
  • Fixed issue using owner by current user filters on dashboard – #1322
  • Fixed issue showing closed alerts referenced from dashboard – #1323
  • Enhanced portlet to save layout preferences – #1324
  • Fixed issue preventing operators from deleting their own filters – #1326
  • Fixed permission check on column separator user preference – #1327
  • Enhanced user console to save layout preferences – #1328
  • Fixed issue saving audit entry when running external script – #1332
  • Fixed race condition when purging alerts whilst reopening alert – #1333
  • Fixed issue causing duplicated application settings when restoring from backup – #1334
  • Fixed issue incorrectly showing deleted users in alert console – #1335
  • Improved validation process of Salesforce connector – #1336
  • Fixed issue applying maintenance window to new entity group members – #1338
  • Fixed issue with create incident action fields being disabled – #1341
  • Fixed date validation issue when checking reopen after workflow setting – #1342
  • Fixed issue whereby Service-now connector could poll before previous poll finished – #1343
  • Fixed case-sensitivity issue when saving incident connector field mappings – #1345
  • Fixed race condition when updating entity group memberships – #1346
  • Fixed issue updating closed date with Salesforce connector – #1349
  • Fixed issue with create incident action being able to read all entity fields – #1350
  • Fixed issue whereby invalid operators could be shown for entity custom fields in rules builders – #1351
  • Fixed custom field update action when using mixed (constant and dynamic) data – #1352
  • Fixed issue reading create new alert setting in alert workflow configuration UI – #1353
  • Removed restrictions on purge batch size and interval – #1354
  • Fixed issue in SLA processing preventing alert from reaching 100% breach – #1356
  • Fixed issue with extract function in update custom field actions – #1361

RiverMuse ECM 3.2.6

2 July 2013 Internal release


  • Fixed inconsistency with ‘contains’ operated when using alert console in paged vs nonpaged mode – #1239

RiverMuse ECM 3.2.5

26 June 2013 Internal release


  • Fixed race condition affecting connectors with new entities – #1167
  • Improved SLA performance and reduced table locking – #1210
  • Fixed deadlock by adding transaction replay mechanism when updating or creating alerts – #1208

RiverMuse ECM 3.2.3 & RiverMuse ECM 3.2.4

6 June 2013 Internal release


  • Additional fixes for issue importing dependent fields from Service-Now – #1199

RiverMuse ECM 3.2.2

3 June 2013 Internal release


  • Fixed issue importing dependent fields from Service-Now – #1199
  • Added workflow configuration to execute action on closed alert when creating a new alert instead of reopening – #1201
  • Downgraded log messages about workflow violations from warning from actions to informational – #1184
  • Fixed issue with / character in filters – #1186
  • Fixed filter builder issue with custom fields – #1196
  • Increased size of timed correlation field – #1197
  • Fixed deadlock issue with audit purge job – #1207

RiverMuse ECM 3.2.1

28 May 2013


  • Enhanced RSS with template configuration – #1147
  • Fixed issue with alerts in maintenance mode – #1160
  • Added user annotation and unassign actions to mobile API – #1171
  • Fixed issue with Jira Due date field – #1185
  • Fixed connectivity issue with certain network configurations – #1187
  • Added less than and greater than operators for custom fields and ability to revert custom field values through actions – #1192
  • Fixed issue in Zenoss connector polling mechanism – #1193

RiverMuse ECM 3.2

9 May 2013

Known issues

  • An index will be added to the alert table, this could cause RiverMuse to take a long time to start-up after upgrading; to avoid this apply the index offline before upgrading RiverMuse using the following SQL
    CREATE INDEX alert_timestamp_index ON alert (event_count, first_occurred, last_occurred);


  • Improved error message when license validation fails during setup – #970
  • Added entity graph – #1021
  • Added automatic configuration backups – #1054
  • Enhanced entity mapping to include aliases – #1066
  • Added permission to enable setting of user defaults – #1079
  • Added information when hovering over entity column in alert console – #1085
  • Fixed UI issue when adding custom alert field values – #1087
  • Enhanced condition filter for applying actions to other alerts from correlation – #1089
  • Added language selection for Service-Now connector – #1092
  • Added event token to specify duration of maintenance windows – #1097
  • Fixed close alert action from alert console when no reason specified – #1118
  • Fixed issue preventing alert filters from being saved – #1119
  • Added ability to create custom user roles – #1120
  • Added Zenoss connector – #1125
  • Fixed issue when refreshing browser on audit or SLA log screens – #1130
  • Added ability to export all alerts if none are selected – #1134
  • Added column to alert console to show more recent comment on an alert – #1136
  • Fixed concurrency issue with VMware entity enrichers – #1137
  • Fixed issue when processing alerts for entities under maintenance – #1139
  • Added Serena BSM connector – #1140
  • Enhanced Service-Now connector allow use of proxy server – #1141
  • Fixed issue entity group in filters – #1142
  • Fixed case-sensitivity issue with SOAP connector names – #1143
  • Fixed workflow issue when using external script in assignment action – #1145
  • Fixed race condition when executing external actions – #1148
  • Added new index on alert table to improve event purging performance – #1149
  • Enhanced workflow configuration for close alert – #1152
  • Fixed issue parsing arguments in external command action – #1153
  • Fixed issue with event grid incorrectly saving preferences – #1157
  • Fixed race condition with maintenance window alerts – #1158
  • Added proxy configuration screen – #1159
  • Fixed issue with getAlertDetails call in mobile API – #1161
  • Fixed exception when assigning an entity – #1162
  • Fixed issue during licence validation – #1165

RiverMuse ECM 3.1

22 March 2013

Known issues

  • Firefox 18 is unsupported, please use Firefox 16, 17.0.4+ or 19
  • Index updates to the database will not be automatically applied if you have more than 10,000 alerts, see the RiverMuse log for details


  • Added exporting of alerts to RSS feed – #1026
  • Fixed UI issue creating action groups – #1029
  • Added ability to apply alert filter to users not in a group – #1044
  • Added permission to enable user to always see alerts assigned to them – #1045
  • Enhanced alert assignment permissions – #1046
  • Fixed issue affecting proxies requiring internet access to run – #1048
  • Enhanced dashboard to allow multiple instances of each portlet – #1049
  • Added LDAP group filter to LDAP connector – #1050
  • Fixed race condition when collecting alert statistics – #1051
  • Fixed race condition when updating entity source information – #1052
  • Added message asking user to logout when updating their own permissions – #1053
  • Improved ordering of columns in event viewer to match alert console – #1055
  • Improved configuration options to show and manage closed alerts #1058
  • Added option to re-apply entity grouping rules – #1059
  • Fixed exceptions being raised by push framework – #1060
  • Fixed issue displaying user permissions – #1062
  • Added option to disable update notification on login screen – #1068
  • Allow alert values to be compared against the default alert values in the reopen alert filter – #1070
  • Fixed issue which resulted in last purge date not being updated – #1074
  • Added batch size and pause options to purge configuration – #1075
  • Disallowed ability to add super-admin to a user group – #1076
  • Fixed JDBC driver unregistered warning when shutting down RiverMuse – #1077
  • Reduced thread usage of push framework – #1078
  • Fixed intermittent deadlock when event/alert queue becomes full – #1081
  • Fixed exception when polling for LDAP users and create on the fly is enabled – #1086
  • Fixed permission check for observers attempting to create filters – #1088
  • Fixed language choice issue with Service-now connector – #1091, #1092
  • Fixed action configuration losing connector selection – #1094
  • Fixed issue with Jira connector and Due date field – #1104
  • Fixed issue showing latest time refreshed in audit log – #1105
  • Fixed unique index issue due to null values – #1106
  • Fixed workflow inconsistency with reopening alerts – #1109
  • Fixed issue saving alert filters in non-paged mode – #1111
  • Fixed race condition with date parser for custom alert fields – #1112
  • Fixed data truncated exception for certain user profiles – #1114
  • Fixed issue allowing action to be run against no alert – #1116
  • Fixed issue allowing non-numerical values for numerical fields in filter – #1117
  • Fixed alert filleting by connector type on alert console – #1121
  • Fixed ‘Alert Share Filters With Group Members Only’ permission – #1122
  • Added batch and pause options to all purge utilities – #1123
  • Fixed issue causing the ECM log monitor to be blank when switching tabs – #1124
  • Fixed create incident action to use correct severity – #1128
  • Fixed race condition in rules parser – #1129
  • Added ‘current’ values to filter builder when used on date-type custom alert fields – #1131
  • Improved average enqueue calculation for event & alert queues – #1132, #1135
  • Fixed permission restriction in dashboard portlets – #1133

RiverMuse ECM 3.0.2

5 February 2013

Known issues

  • Minor UI issues on Firefox 18
  • Upgrading from 2.5 can result in a blank entry on the alert console right click menu, this can be removed or changed through the Alert Console Menu configuration screen


  • Fixed race condition that caused incorrectly correlated alerts – #1056

RiverMuse ECM 3.0

30 January 2013

Known issues

  • Minor UI issues on Firefox 18
  • Upgrading from 2.5 can result in a blank entry on the alert console right click menu, this can be removed or changed through the Alert Console Menu configuration screen


  • Fixed issue with LDAP connector when using Digest-MD5 authentication – #867
  • Extended SNMP connector to support SNMPv3 traps – #885
  • Enhanced alert context menu to support configuration on a per user-role basis – #909
  • Enhanced permission to support allow overriding on per-user basis – #910
  • Improved performance of LDAP connector – #940
  • Reduced resource usage for polling based connectors – #945
  • Improved usability of escalation call order – #956
  • Enhanced dashboard view by allowing a global default view to be set – #971
  • Fixed issue with Service-Now connector and international date handling – #973
  • Enhanced context sensitivity of default actions in alert context menu – #976
  • Enhanced Service-Now connector to allow importing of list fields – #981
  • Fixed issue undeploying Service-Now connector during a poll – #983
  • Improved usability & consistency of user permission screen – #984
  • Improved performance of upon alert arrival correlation rules – #987
  • Added fix for handling newline characters in rules created on the fly – #989
  • Added email proxy for processing alerts from an POP3/IMAP account – #991
  • Added ability to view RiverMuse internal log file from the standard web interface – #992
  • Added ability to create users on the fly when using LDAP connector – #995
  • Fixed priority mapping for alerts raised as incidents – #996
  • Fixed Match None operator in filter builder – #1002
  • Fixed exception when updating user sessions – #1003
  • Added ability to mass delete entities in a single operation – #1006
  • Added automatic entity grouping – #1007
  • Enhanced action groups to support feedback of external actions when run from the alert console – #1009
  • Enhanced alert console by allowing configuration of font and colours used – #1011
  • Improved usability of alert details window – #1013
  • Fixed issues with Comments column in the alert console – #1014
  • Added ability to click on URLs shown in the alert console – #1016
  • Fixed exception when deploying Jira connector on new installation – #1017
  • Added batch processing of periodic correlation rules to reduce resource impact – #1018
  • Fixed issue saving audit events – #1019
  • Fixed issue with text wrapping when hoovering on field in alert console – #1020
  • Added JSON API to get basic system statistics – #1022
  • Improved usability of alert comments in alert details window – #1023
  • Fixed selection issue with action groups – #1024
  • Fixed broken icon on manage permissions screen – #1025
  • Added configurable check to email action to determine if recipient is the same as the triggering user – #1027
  • Added option to user preferences to allow configuration of column separators – #1028
  • Fixed dashboard alert filtering issue – #1030
  • Fixed race condition with entities, entity groups and tags on incoming alerts – #1031
  • Fixed issue creating users on the fly from LDAP when their default status is disabled – #1032
  • Fixed timezone issue with date and time displayed on dashboard widgets – #1037
  • Added ability to specify display name attribute from LDAP – #1038
  • Improved performance of dashboard widgets – #1039
  • Fixed issue affecting large backups being restored by increasing upload size limit to 50mb – #1040
  • Fixed issue with hoover test wrapping issue on alert console – #1041

RiverMuse ECM 2.6.4

30 November 2012 Internal release

  • Fix issue with DNS reverse lookups – #1005
  • Enable configuration of SNMP community string in SNMP discovery – #1000
  • Improve explanation regarding path separator in MIB configuration – #999
  • Allow multiple community strings in SNMP connector – #1001
  • Fix issue restricting view based on tags when specified in LDAP connector as default filter – #997
  • Added check for duplicate alerts on alert console – #1010

RiverMuse ECM 2.6.3

8 November 2012 Internal release

  • Fixed issue with service-now connector getting priorities – #990

RiverMuse ECM 2.6.2

7 November 2012 Internal release

  • Added option to prevent overriding of custom fields with blank value – #980
  • Added action to update fields in incident (Service-Now only) – #939
  • Fixed inconsistency with open and closed timestamps on Service-Now incidents – #978
  • Fixed issue redeploying Service-now connector when job in progress – #983
  • Enhanced Service-now connector to allow all list fields to be imported – #981
  • Enhanced user permissions to allow default permissions – #986
  • Added ability to enforce a common alert view for users – #972
  • Fixed display issue with system health – #985
  • Enhanced Service-now connector to allow custom state field mapping – #982

RiverMuse ECM 2.6.1

17 October 2012 Internal release

  • Added beta Zabbix connector – #974
  • Enhanced custom fields to allow setting via external execution – #969

RiverMuse ECM 2.6

10 October 2012

  • Improved workflow settings to be consistent across RiverMuse – #592
  • Enhancements to iPhone application – #871
  • Fixed issue when sorting on alert fields in paged mode – #873
  • Added escalation call order feature – #886
  • Added ability to import/export rules – #888
  • Added numeric custom field type – #891
  • Improved available values for comparison in upon event arrival correlations – #892
  • Improved labelling of controls in correlation tab – #893
  • Fixed issue showing add and remove buttons on alert context menu – #894
  • Enhanced SolarWinds connector to fully support HTTPS – #895
  • Added init.d startup script for Linux systems – #897
  • Fixed licence validation issue on non-standard JVM – #898
  • Fixed creation of default purge jobs – #899
  • Improved performance of event purge job – #900
  • Fixed issue forming message for email action – #901
  • Added tutorials – #902
  • Improved usability of timezone selection in user console – #903
  • Fixed issue incorrectly displaying users in escalation call order – #904
  • Added user permissions for VMware browser – #905
  • Fixed inline searching for paged aletrs – #906
  • Preserve the active page when viewing multi-page alerts – #907
  • Added additional fields to upon event arrival correlation engine – #908
  • Fixed mistake in confirmation message on escalation screen – #911
  • Fixed issue with timezones between client and server – #912
  • Fixed error message when restoring incorrect backup version – #913
  • Added connector to retrieve alarms from Amazon Web Service’s CloudWatch – #914
  • Fixed issue backing up deleted contents – #915
  • Fixed displaying of breached SLA information on closed alerts – #916
  • Fixed issue incorrectly showing context menu to observers – #917
  • Fixed Unicode issue with backup and restore – #918
  • Added ‘URL’ custom field, clickable from the alert console – #919
  • Added new alert details screen to alert console – #920
  • Fixed multi-selection of categorization rules – #921
  • Fixed ‘is null’ operation for incident number and connector entity – #922
  • Fixed restrictions on valid custom field values in alert console – #923
  • Fixed filtering on custom date fields – #925, #924
  • Updated defaults to allow severity changing, closing and incident creation on open alerts – #926
  • Fixed issue allowing actions to set invalid value on custom alert field – #928
  • Fixed issue when rules created on the fly have no owner – #929
  • Fixed daylight saving timing issue with last refresh time on alert console – #930
  • Fixed issue with exporting/importing correlation rules and actions – #931
  • Fixed issue processing categorization rules with references to entity groups – #932
  • Fixed timezone handling of users by ensuring saved times are UTC – #933
  • Added ability to periodically refresh custom field values – #934
  • Added last touched and last occurred fields to correlations – #935
  • Enhanced Upon Event Arival correlation rules to allow old/new comparison – #936
  • Fixed issues with Move to Alert Group action when executed from workflow – #937
  • Added displaying of null booleans in alert console – #941
  • Fixed repeated updating of users from LDAP – #942
  • Fixed issue with execution of timed correlations on cloud instance – #943
  • Fixed sorting order of fields in filter builder – #944
  • Fixed duplicate entry issue with custom field dropdown in alert console – #947
  • Added message in SLA log to show when logs have been purged – #948
  • Fixed issue with entity console being disabled after refreshing – #949
  • Fixed issue on clean installation with custom alert field configuration – #950
  • Added refresh to alert groups – #951
  • Increased maximum size allow for phone numbers in the user console – #952
  • Fixed issue with creation of incidents from correlation rules – #953
  • Fixed issue with incident connector during certain upgrades – #955
  • Fixed issue allowing token names with invalid characters (e.g. periods) – #957
  • Fixed date in message shown when alerts have been purged – #958
  • Fixed issue resetting SLA rules – #959
  • Added ability to view individual event details and improved alert details window – #960
  • Added basic actions from alert details pane – #961
  • Fixed issue undeploying rules created on the fly – #963
  • Added ability to create token alias for SOAP, InfoVista and SNMP connectors – #964
  • Fixed incorrect incident ID issue when raising multiple incidents – #965

RiverMuse ECM 2.5

17 July 2012

  • Fixed issue with dates in filter builders – #429
  • Added automatic grouping of alerts processed by X in Y correlation rules – #603
  • Enhanced user & SLA processors to support timezones, business hours, reporting, etc – #677, #882
  • Improved handling of date format in custom fields – #707
  • Added pagination to alert console – #765, #869, #873, #879
  • Added push notification for detecting concurrent changes to alerts – #777, #859
  • Enhanced permission granularity of shared filters – #789
  • Added ECM health monitor including event & alert queue displays – #790
  • Enhanced Syslog & SNMP proxies to support multiple RiverMuse instances – #811
  • Added ActiveMQ connector for high performance event retrieval- #828
  • Fixed issue undeploying VMware connector – #838
  • Fixed issue viewing historical event data when no data is available – #839
  • Fixed issue with disable/enable custom fields button for incident connectors – #852
  • Added support for VMware alarms – #853
  • Improved layout of entity console – #855
  • Added SLA escalations – #856
  • Improved handling of owner information when an SLA breach occurs – #858
  • Added multi-line comment support in the alert logbook – #860
  • Improved behaviour of selecting alerts in the alert console – #861, #876
  • Added ability to clone SLA rules – #862
  • Improved support for time-zones – #863, #872, #887
  • Fixed issue causing alert context menu items to be lost – #864
  • Enhanced the LDAP connector with the ability to use Windows usernames – #865
  • Improved performance of historical statistic collection – #866
  • Fixed issue parsing closed data from service-now tickets – #868
  • Added configurable system defaults for pagination size and time-zone – #870
  • Added iPhone application – #871
  • Added alert context actions to view deduplication count and logbook – #874
  • Improved performance of SLA jobs – #875
  • Enhanced URL action to support closed alerts – #877
  • Fixed issue setting the severity directly from the alert console – #878
  • Fixed issue with VMware connector causing hosts and clusters not to be displayed – #881
  • Improved performance of service tags in correlation rules – #883
  • Fixed issue opening incidents from alert console – #884

RiverMuse ECM 2.1

10 May 2012

  • Fixed issue with dates when creating advanced filter from alert console quick filter – #429
  • Improved validation of template editors – #668
  • Added option to alert workflow to control SLA breaches on re-open – #775
  • Added configuration option to hide alert console filter when in full screen – #820
  • Fixed issue with batching when purging events – #821
  • Improved performance of purging – #822
  • Enhanced UI of alert console in full screen – #823
  • Fixed issue updating last login date of users – #824
  • Disabled overlapping purge jobs – #825
  • Fixed bug affecting rules created on the fly – #826
  • Fixed issue with purging of audit events – #830
  • Added logging for purge jobs – #831
  • Fixed issue allowing two purge jobs to run at the same time – #832
  • Fixed issue creating audit entry when running external action – #833
  • Improved compatibility with VMWare ESX 4.0 – #836
  • Fixed issue creating tags and entity groups from events – #841

RiverMuse ECM 2.0.2

24 April 2012

  • Fixed persistence of alert console gradient settings – #818
  • Fixed alert purging miscalcuating date range to remove – #819

RiverMuse ECM 2.0.1

20 April 2012

  • Fixed full-screen drawing issue – #816
  • Fixed browser cache issue when upgrading – #813

RiverMuse ECM 2.0

16 April 2012

  • Improved loading times of application upon login – #437
  • Improved ability to use alert fields in tagging rules – #721
  • Enhanced the update custom field action to allow exact function – #724
  • Enhanced the event viewer with differential highlighting and pagination – #725
  • Added ability to delete and blacklist entities – #735
  • Fixed session timeouts and enabled a single user to have concurrent sessions #742
  • Improved custom field mapping for Service-Now connector – #744
  • Improved custom field mapping for Jira connector – #746
  • Added ability to set incident ID from alert console – #755
  • Enhanced audit viewer with better filtering and viewing options – #756
  • Added ability to purge events – #758
  • Improved checking of alerts breaching SLA rules – #760
  • Enhanced alert console to allow full-screen, presentation style viewing – #761, #786, #802
  • Enhanced alert console to allow personalization of font and colours – #762
  • Fixed backup & restore functionality for non-English locales – #763
  • Fixed issue where observers were able to delete filters – #764
  • Fixed URL action – #767
  • Added entity discovery utility – #768
  • Added welcome/starter screen – #770
  • Fixed issue with historical trends portlet – #771
  • Added Amazon WS Simple Notification Service connector & action for SMS in US – #773
  • Fixed issue in email action when username has commas – #774
  • Fixed ability to add new tokens to the SNMP connector – #782
  • Fixed issue saving column order and automatic display profile repairing- #783
  • Downgraded log level for external actions to prevent excessive log growth – #784
  • Improved behaviour of acknowledge and unacknowledge actions – #785
  • Improved performance of close alert action – #787
  • Fixed issue with group alert button – #791
  • Added ability to export alerts & events to CSV – #757, #792
  • Fixed issue when alert queue is full and System alert is raised – #793
  • Enabled custom fields for Remedy incident connector – #794
  • Re-factored incident connectors to be two stage configuration – #795
  • Fixed updating of incident states in alert console – #797, #798
  • Fixed incident creation issue with Remedy connector – #799
  • Fixed issue with VMWare connector using certificate trust store – #805
  • Fixed issue with alert filter parser – #806
  • Fixed issue with LDAP connector involving user and group DN fields – #807
  • Fixed issue importing users for user groups from LDAP – #809

RiverMuse ECM 1.9

6 March 2012

  • Added support for Java 7 – #214
  • Added ability to have private alert filters – #679
  • Improved support for applications – #695
  • Improved performance of entity console – #720
  • Added Syslog preprocessor (contact info@rivermuse.com) – #728
  • Fixed special character handling in rules created on the fly – #729
  • Various minor bug fixes in the alert console – #731
  • Added regular expression support to advanced filtering on alert console – #732
  • Fixed incident state mapping with Service-Now – #733
  • Fixed usage of custom fields in incident connectors UI – #734
  • Added an SNMP preprocessor (contact info@rivermuse.com) – #736
  • Fixed issue affecting ‘contains’ operator in categorization rules – #737
  • Added ‘always true’ categorization expression – #738
  • Fixed issue passing custom fields to Service-Now – #739
  • Improved handling of entity children – #740
  • Improved resilience of saving of display profiles – #745
  • Added permission system based on user groups – #747
  • Improved browser compatibility with Chrome – #748
  • Fixed issue with empty strings versus null strings in rules created on the fly – #750
  • Added alert grouping – #751, #749, #741, #657, #753, #754
  • Added service level agreement monitoring – #752

RiverMuse ECM 1.8

17 January 2012

  • Added extract functionality to populate custom fields – #585
  • Added parent-child entity relationships to correlation – #595
  • Added date range options to historial portlets – #623
  • Added workflow option to run action after incident state change – #644
  • Improved audit/alert log performance – #670
  • Fixed UI issue with right click actions menu – #678
  • Added option to supress output of external actions – #680
  • Added indicator to show discard state on rules – #681
  • Various improvements to ManageEngine APM connector – #682
  • Fixed issue with title of ‘Create rule on the fly’ – #684
  • Renamed ‘Source’ to ‘Connector’ – #686
  • Added action to set connector – #687
  • Enhanced start date logic for correlation rules – #688
  • Fixed issue cleaning up SLA data when purging – #690
  • Improved the default look of the dashboard – #691
  • Fixed display issue with rule statistics – #693
  • Fixed issue incorrectly allowing invalid data values for custom fields – #694
  • Added ‘Manage’, ‘Unmanage’ and ‘Open in’ actions to ManageEngine APM connector – #696
  • Removed superflous SCOM logging – #697
  • Fixed missing alert fields in correlation/action interfaces – #699
  • Fixed datetime issue with ManageEngine ServiceDesk – #700
  • Fixed sync issue with closed ManageEngine ServiceDesk tickets – #701
  • Added ability to copy fields from the alert console – #702
  • Fixed issue where context menus were incorrectly populated – #703
  • Removed ‘Subsystem’ and ‘Type’ fields in favour of custom fields – #708
  • Fixed issue incorrectly rendering HTML tags from alert fields – #710
  • Fixed issue adding the Alert Priority portlet to the dashboard – #712
  • Improved formatting of messages with special characters on the Alert Console – #714
  • Fixed issue with historical portlets refreshing too often – #716
  • Improved SNMP usability through better error messages – #717
  • Enhancements to reduce client memory usage – #718
  • Enabled unlimited number of custom fields – #719
  • Fixed Service-Now connectors’ ability to handle non-default priorities – #722
  • Added ‘Select all’ capability on Alert Console – #723

RiverMuse ECM 1.7

7 December 2011

  • Added VMWare actions – #588
  • Added actions to update service tags & custom alert fields – #593
  • Improved Service-Now connector – #594
  • Added type concept to entities – #599
  • Improved date handling for incidents – #606
  • Improved date handling in correlation – #630
  • Added ability to change RiverMuse logo – #632
  • Updated default permissions so creating rules on the fly is not visible to users – #647
  • Disabled automatic refreshing of historical portlets – #650
  • Improved performance closing large number of alerts – #651
  • Fixing issue with alert variables containing large values – #652
  • Renamed ‘service tags’ to ‘tags’ – #653
  • Reduced browser memory usage when viewing dashboard – #655
  • Disable automatic refresh when switching to the entity console – #658
  • Increased length of ‘type’ and ‘subsystem’ alert fields to allow much larger values – #659
  • Fixed issue with ‘Unknown connector’ disappearing after restoring from a backup – #661
  • Added counts when grouping entities in the entity console – #663
  • Improved application alert support from SolarWinds APM – #664
  • Added connector source field to list of fields available for rules created on the fly – #666
  • Fixed displaying of ‘class’ token in deduplication builder – #668
  • Allow empty values in filter builders – #669
  • Improved shut-down process – #675
  • Fixed issue setting resolution state with SCOM connector – #676

RiverMuse ECM 1.6

8 November 2011

  • Added viewer for correlation rules created on the fly – #539
  • Fixed issue resulting in duplicate SOAP connectors – #571
  • Fixed deadlock issue processing events – #581
  • Improved performance of categorization subsystem – #582
  • Added custom alert fields – #590
  • Added ability to rename custom alert fields – #591
  • Improved connector selected to deal with more connectors – #600
  • Added filter for re-opening alerts – #610
  • Fixed maintenance window issue on entity group – #612
  • Fixed issue closing alerts in SFDC not being updated in the alert console – #613
  • Fixed excessive logging of custom incident connectors – #614
  • Improving performance of alert console – #615
  • Various performance improvements – #616
  • Improved ability to deselect alerts – #622
  • Fixed short-cuts from system health widgets – #624
  • Improved performance of correlation rules when alert is closed – #625
  • Added use of static text for discriminator creation in categorization engine – #626
  • Improved performance of variables – #627
  • Added nested correlations – #628
  • Fixed minor categorization issues – #629
  • Fixed issue renaming entity groups – #634
  • Added ability to discard events at categorization time – #637
  • Fixed issue with SOAP events received before database is ready – #643

RiverMuse ECM 1.5

4 October 2011

  • Graph selection is now preserved on charts – #433
  • Added priority to dashboard graphs – #479
  • Various incident connector fixes – #483
  • Allow resizing of alert log – #515
  • Fix ordering of alert log entries when events happen at the same time #516
  • Upgraded core GWT libraries – #525
  • Allow re-ordering of Upon Alert Arrival rules – #528
  • Added actions for creation and deletion of maintenance windows on entity groups – #529
  • Added commenting on multiple alerts – #533
  • Allow alert re-opening – #536
  • Expanded rule scope of Upon Alert Arrival rules – #537
  • Added configuration options for create rule functionality – #538
  • Enhanced external action editor – #540
  • Enhanced correlation statistic – #547
  • Added reoccurring maintenance windows – #548
  • Fixed delete issue with actions used in workflow configuration – #560
  • Allow multiple recipients in email action – #561
  • Added topology data from SolarWinds connector – #563
  • Improved user picker control – #564
  • Allow fields to be deleted from on the fly correlation wizard – #569
  • Cleaned up connector list in correlation and actions views – #572
  • Fixed issue with initial setup claiming it failed – #574
  • Fixed performance issue with event de-duplication – #575
  • Persisted user picker state across uses – #577
  • Added ManageEngine and Salesforce connectors – #579
  • Improved error handling with incident connectors – #580
  • Improved field editor for incident connectors – #589
  • Added selection indicator for alert console – #596
  • Added closed alert viewer – #601
  • Improved categorisation rules editor with multiple connectors – #604
  • Improved stability of configuration backup utility – #605

RiverMuse ECM 1.4

6 September 2011

  • Removed ‘Select all’ capabilities from alert console due to performance issues – #31
  • Certified SCOM connector – #308
  • Added configuration backup and import facilities – #343
  • Added ability to set maintenance windows on entity groups – #346, #535
  • Added entity group type concept – #360
  • Certified VMware connector – #391
  • Fixed issues with saving user preferences – #394, #546
  • Added priority dimension to alert distribution gadget – #479
  • Added statistics collection to correlation rules – #488, #547
  • Updated JDBC connector with new alert fields- #506
  • Usability improvements to service-now interface – #510
  • Added Zendesk incident connector – #511, #530
  • Fixed race condition with events arriving before the system has started – #512
  • Fixed issue with disappearing UI components – #513
  • Added ‘is null’ and ‘is not null’ operators to correlation by example – #514
  • Fixed issue with action list in UI not being correctly updated – #518
  • Improved email action by extending variable list – #521, #555
  • Improved user group permissions and work-flow options – #522
  • Added unacknowledge action – #524
  • Fixed race condition with a new entity groups on multiple simultaneous alerts #526
  • Fixed issue calculating alert history graph – #532
  • Various improvements to entity group user interface – #534, #541, #543, #554, #562, #567, #527, #531
  • Fixed issue with zooming on historical graphs – #542
  • Usability enhancements to the configuration tab – #544
  • Added connector_entity token – #545
  • Fixed issue with null values in event distribution graph – #549
  • Improved scalability of connector list – #550, #565, #565
  • Added Remedy connector – #551, #483
  • Enhanced categorisation tab to show all possible event tokens – #552
  • Fixed deadlock issue when shutting RiverMuse ECM down – #556
  • Added SNMP trap connector – #557
  • Improvements to alert click functionality on alert console – #559
  • Added collection of topology data from SolarWinds – #563
  • Fixed issue with default connector disappearing – #566
  • Added work-flow option to run an action after unassignment – #568

RiverMuse ECM 1.3

1 August 2011

  • Improved audit message by including triggering correlation rule – #239
  • Fixed issue with deleting entity groups – #341
  • Fixed issue with long descriptions in audit viewer – #394
  • Added action to update last reset time field – #405
  • Fixed issue with tokens of the same name being as fields being incorrectly saved – #431
  • Enhanced work-flow to support action execution – #464
  • Enhanced service-tag management – #474
  • Fixed ability to un-deploy SOAP connectors – #476
  • Enhanced priority mapping with service-now connector – #478
  • Enhanced service-now connector to show a fields name, not its identifier – #480
  • Improved error messages when deleting non-empty entity group – #481
  • Improved action subsystem internals – #482
  • Fixed various bugs with incident connector framework – #483
  • Fixed deleted entity groups being incorrectly displayed in dashboard – #484
  • Added start & end date for correlation rules – #485, #493, #494
  • Various improvements to correlation by example – #492, #495, #494
  • Added priority field to correlation builder – #489
  • Various improvements to priority-feature – #490
  • Added wild-card character support to filter builder – #491
  • Certified Nagios connector – #496
  • Added current user option for incident management framework mappings – #497
  • Added action to update alert type – #498
  • Added owner token to events – #500
  • Improved memory usage and performance of alert console – #501
  • Added work-flow configuration based on severity changes – #502
  • Added action to increase and description priority – #503
  • Added priority, type and subsystem to categorisation user-interface – #505
  • Improved performance for entity console – #507
  • Improved support for custom incident states – #508

RiverMuse ECM 1.2

5 July 2011

  • Added support for Windows and Mac OS X – #214
  • Added user picker widget to filter builders – #291
  • Added correlation by example from the alert console – #370
  • Added configuration of right click menu items on alert console – #411
  • Added configurable priority field to alert console – #412
  • Improved event structure to allow multiple values for service_tag and entity_group tokens – #434
  • Improved incident connector to allow dynamically defined descriptions – #438
  • Fixed issue with LDAP connector referring to the wrong field for user authentication – #411
  • Fixed issue creating maintenance window actions – #443
  • Improved syntax for action editor – #444
  • Fixed issues around dynamic incident fields – #445
  • Fixed categorisation issue from users entering free text in discriminator field by disallowing free text – #446
  • Improved visual representation of alerts in maintenance state – #447
  • Improved usability of user group editor – #450
  • Fixed issue when deleting users with closed alerts – #453
  • Improved usability of event viewer by increasing its size – #454
  • Fixed issue with categorisation rules not being created when deploying a new connector – #455
  • Fixed issue with spaces in incident connector URL – #456
  • Added subsystem field to alert console – #457
  • Added type field to alert console – #458
  • Added last_reset_count field to alert console – #459
  • Added mapping of custom fields in service-now to RiverMuse – #460
  • Fixed issue with only certain incident states being shown from Service-now – #461
  • Improved past-alert retrieval for SolarWinds connector – #462
  • Improved usability of action editor – #463
  • Fixed in-line severity changing when auto-refresh is enabled – #466
  • Fixed issue when check boxes were incorrectly disabled in correlation editor – #469
  • Improved usability of action user interface by pre-populating certain alert fields – #470
  • Certified InfoVista connector – #471
  • Fixed incorrect message displayed when saving a correlation rule – #473

RiverMuse ECM 1.1

13 June 2011

  • Fixed Show Alert Details in SolarWinds right click action incorrectly appearing enabled – #202
  • Fixed sizing of historical trends chart when portlet is maximised – #221
  • Added multi-sort and column freezing to alert console – #233
  • Improved usability of advanced filter builder in alert console – #250
  • Fixed connector UI unsaved changes behaviour – #302
  • Fixed refresh issue in alert console when fields are updated by an action – #310 & #417
  • Fixed Y axis scale of historical trends portlet when zooming – #344
  • Fixed grouping state on alert console when switching tabs – #368
  • Enhanced external actions to allow stdout from applications to feed back into RiverMuse for selecting a user to assign an alert to – #369
  • Improved usability of error messages from LDAP connector – #371
  • Added experimental InfoVista connector – #372
  • Fixed multi-selecting entities in entity console – #378
  • Added internal Rivermuse connector to show significant internal errors as alerts – #379
  • Fixed issue when re-deploying Syslog connector – #383
  • Fixed issue with deleting tokens still in use by rules by disallowing deletion – #384
  • Improved saving of current state of system dashboard – #387
  • Fixed edge-case issue in initial setup involving refreshing the page – #393
  • Fixed various minor display preference issues – #394
  • Fixed UI issue when adding quotation marks to external script actions – #395
  • Improved service tag rules to allow all variables to be referenced – #396
  • Fixed various issues when Unknown Connector is present – #397
  • Fixed issue when an empty discriminator is used by generating a random replacement (no de-duplication)- #398
  • Fixed Add New token button in SOAP connector UI – #399
  • Fixed unsaved changes warning occurring when no changes have been made – #400
  • Removed alert rollover colouring in alert console – #401
  • Fixed dragging of events from expanded alerts in alert console – #402
  • Fixed entity details being lost when auto-refresh is enabled on alert console and an alert is selected – #403
  • Improving correlation rules by allowing all variables to be used – #404
  • Added alert ID column to alert console (hidden by default) #407
  • Improved incident management SDK – #410
  • Fixed periodic correlation rules failing when referencing multiple alert variables – #413
  • Added is not null operator to certain fields in correlation UI – #414
  • Improved email action to allow more flexible selection of recipient – #415
  • Added service_tag token to event SDK to allow automatic generation of service tags – #418
  • Fixed issue with hidden column preferences not being saved on the alert console – #419
  • Fixed handling of tokens named class – #420
  • Fixed saving of rules using the entity group field – #421
  • Fixed connector UI occasionally reporting unsaved changes incorrectly – #422
  • Fixed discriminator failing when entity token is referenced but missing – #423
  • Removed manual database upgrade process – #424
  • Added statistic collection and auditing for acknowledgement state and actions – #425
  • Improved detection of Syslog header in InfoVista events – #426
  • Improved capability to compare alert dates in correlation rule UI – #427
  • Fixed issue with re-adding portlets causing missing or incorrect severities to be displayed – #428
  • Fixed issue with invalid characters in token names entered via the SOAP connector (characters are stripped out) – #430
  • Fixed issue with saving historical trend preferences – #432
  • Fixed issue with LDAP connector and invalid login credentials – #435
  • Fixed invalid error message appearing when logging in as non-administrator user – #436
  • Added ability to use all variables in correlation UI – #439
  • Fixed setup issue when next button is incorrectly disabled – #440

RiverMuse ECM 1.0.1

20 May 2011

  • The SSL trust store of the licensing service interferes with the Service-Now connectors, in some cases preventing them from connecting

RiverMuse ECM 1.0

19 May 2011

  • First RiverMuse ECM release
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