Managing Entities in ECM

Getting Your IT Ops Entities on a Single Pane of Glass

Attempting to deal with events from a large network infrastructure can be overwhelming, especially when the visualisation of your infrastructure is fragmented or incomplete. Efficient management of IT Operations requires you to focus your attention on the most important incoming events at any given time. For this, it is important to have a clear picture of the sources of these events.

Part of the role of RightITnow as a single pane of glass is to enable you to create a coherent and organised view of the entities you are dealing with, be they physical or virtual machines, applications or components.

Grouping and Mapping IT Ops Entities on a Single Pane of Glass

You can choose to group your entities geographically or by any logical grouping that suits your requirements. Among other advantages, this will enable you to focus exclusively on the events or alerts received from entities belonging under a particular group. You can also map your entity hierarchy relationships, for example, a physical server might host several virtual machines which are also event-generating entities in their own right, and this relationship appears in tree view within ECM.

Single Pane Enhancement of IT Operations Management of Entities via Entity Merging and Aliases

Events from the same entity may not necessarily be generated in a consistent manner and may appear to be coming from different sources. RightITnow enables you to correct such fragmentation by merging several apparent entities into a single actual entity with several aliases.

Single Pane Graphical Visualization of Your IT Ops Entities

RightITnow is consistently creating new features by which you can achieve a transparent view to your infrastructure. The more recent entity graph feature provides a graphical visualization of your infrastructure, thus facilitating the location of problem entities which require attention.

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