Monitor Network

For today’s IT professional, especially ones responsible for the security of their organization’s network, the ability and efficiency that they must have to monitor network metrics is critical. From monitoring network bandwidth to monitoring the plethora of devices that flood any company’s network, the speed at which you can recognize and ultimately address any incoming issues is of massive importance to keeping the day to day operations running full steam ahead. Let us look today at some of the most important features and functions to consider when choosing the best software to monitor network functionality at your business or even home office.
With the rise of personal tablets has come the rise of tablet use in the workplace, with companies both big and small. IT professionals of varying functions have increasingly been using tablets to monitor and support their company’s integral IT operations. When looking at software to monitor network efficiency, consider one with a mobile/tablet application that can help you track everything from traffic on your servers to offer the functionality of setting up custom alerts for incoming problems and slow-down triggers. Much of the software on the market today offers both iOS and Android compatible applications of varying functionality, so make sure to check that your system’s needs are met.
If the software you are considering does not have a mobile/tablet application, the customized alerts and notifications is still a valuable feature that isn’t often considered. For example most software offers the capability to notify their user when bandwidth is reaching a certain level or it recognizes an incoming threat. Whether it be via a desktop notification, or more conveniently an email or even text, the faster you can acknowledge the issue the more efficient your entire company remains.
Another potential issue that the popularity of tablets and smartphones has created for network administrators is the flooding of their networks with personal devices, often causing a slowdown otherwise reserved for business purposed. Off of this basis, it’s important to consider a software with performance monitoring to constantly track the devices and limit their bandwidth where needed. By tracking and ultimately limiting the amount of bandwidth your company’s users can use, you can increase the speed of your network and make sure the internet and network at work is used primarily for just that, work!
As with any software you purchase for your business, it is ultimately an investment with many moving parts. That being said, it’s important that the software you choose is intuitive and the user interface is one that you and your team can pick up easily. Most of the software available that helps to monitor network functionality offers a dashboard that is the face of the software essentially, allowing you to track key metrics via a visually appealing dashboard which is highly customizable. The reflex ability to instantly visualize your network’s issues and efficiency is a tool more valuable than most, as it’s the entire reason for purchasing a network monitoring service to begin with.
Piggybacking off the previous need of an intuitive and easy to learn software, you can really guarantee this by looking for a free trial of the software you are considering. Defining the ultimate “usability” will prove to pay dividends down the line as you have IT staff turnover and during times of crisis on your network and servers. While the aforementioned features are just a few to look for, the overall feel and comfortability will prove to be your best asset in trusting the safety and monitoring of your network on a daily basis.

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